The founder of Adecco bequeaths 1 million euros for the culture of the City

by time news

Died in June 2021, Philippe Foriel-Destezet, bequeathed by will 1 million euros to Lyon, his hometown, reports Progress. The businessman and billionaire, founder of the interim company Adecco, wanted to allocate it to cultural projects, without specifying which ones.

During the municipal council held on Thursday, the ecological municipality of Lyon decided to allocate half of it, or 500,000 euros, to the Biennial of Contemporary Art, which is to move to the Guimet museum at the start of the school year. The other half will be allocated to cultural equipment, “like the Dance Workshops”, suggested Audrey Hénocque, first assistant in charge of finance.

The Right, Center and Independent group regrets that this sum was not placed for investment. The opposition was also surprised that the City accepted this legacy. Denis Broliquer, president of Lyon Divers Droite, former mayor of the 2nd arrondissement, recalled that “allies” of environmentalists had qualified companies like Adecco as “slave traders of modern times”, reports Progress.

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