Gérald Darmanin calls on the majority to “speak to the guts of the French” without “dividing and exploiting fears”

by time news

By electing Emmanuel Macron president without giving him an absolute majority, the French have “given a sign which consists in correcting, no doubt, a certain number of programmatic things, behaviors that we have had”. In a long interview with Le Monde, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin believes that the majority must, like Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “also speak to the guts of the French”. But “differently”.

“They divide and exploit fears. We, we must be in positive emotion, empathy, listening … That’s politics, judges the tenant of Place Beauvau. The President of the Republic does it very well. If the government parties do not do this, this will leave an immense field for the extremes and will prepare a populist alternation in the country. »

The Minister of the Interior, however, excludes any alliance with the National Rally and La France insoumise, which would be “neither desirable nor acceptable”: “We must find a compromise with the parties of government”. According to him, “their voters have probably not made the choice of the presidential majority in the legislative elections, nor have they made the choice of blocking. With them, there is the possibility of discussing many subjects on which we can find agreements. “It is very important that the dikes be clear between the parties which have a republican culture and those which do not have it”.

Gérald Darmanin welcomes the reactions “of the government parties” to Elisabeth Borne’s general policy speech on Friday in the National Assembly: “The reaction of the government parties therefore suggests that we can find compromises. So let’s leave time to time, as President Mitterrand said. (…) It is by discussing with the oppositions, text by text, that we will get there. »

He illustrates with his proposal to give more resources to the police: “When I propose to increase the number of police, for example, I do not think that a deputy from the Republican left or from the Republican right is against it. And we have to note that the LRs are more numerous in the Assembly and that they have the majority in the Senate. »

“Double the forces on the ground in ten years”

Gérald Darmanin also confirms the increase of 1.25 billion euros in the 2023 Finance Bill for the Ministry of the Interior, in addition to the budget allocated to Overseas Territories and local authorities. “We will keep the president’s promise to double the forces on the ground in ten years. We are also going to create 200 new gendarmerie brigades, eleven mobile force units and 3,500 investigative assistants – civilian personnel who will carry out part of the procedural work carried out today by field personnel: receiving a lawyer, filling out such document…”

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Of the 15 billion euros provided for by the orientation and programming bill of the Ministry of the Interior (LOPMI), Gérald Darmanin ensures that more than half will be devoted to digital.

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