infectious disease specialists welcome the extension of preventive vaccination to the most exposed groups

by time news

The government will extend preventive vaccination to groups most at risk of the monkeypox virus. Eligible categories are men who have multiple sex with men (MSM) and trans people who also indicate having multiple sex partners. Also concerned are “persons in prostitution” and the “professionals working in places of sexual consumption”.

This decision comes following the opinion issued Friday, July 8 by the High Authority for Health (HAS) which considered that it can also be considered on a case-by-case basis for professionals who have to take care of sick people. This body had been seized by the General Directorate of Health on the relevance of expanding vaccination. This therefore no longer only concerns people who have had contact with an infected person, but will now be offered to people exposed to the virus through their sexual practices or their profession.

Also listen Monkey pox: towards a new health crisis?

In France, on July 7, 721 cases of monkeypox were confirmed, including 473 in Ile-de-France. To date, 98% of cases have occurred in men who have sex with men (MSM) and 75% of these MSM report having had at least two sexual partners in the three weeks before the onset of symptoms.

Vaccinate contacts

“The infectious disease community has been waiting for this announcement from the HAS for two weeks. We are very satisfied, especially since it is effective in other countries, including Canada”says Dr. Romain Palich, infectious disease specialist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. Since June 11, Toronto health authorities have offered, in association with the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance, to vaccinate contact subjects as well as those at high risk of exposure to the virus, including sauna workers. Following the recommendations of the Ontario Ministry of Health, they talk about MSM “having had two or more sexual partners in the last 21 days”.

“It had become imperative to try to limit the spread of the virus by preventively vaccinating the most exposed populations,” said Dr Romain Palich.

“It had become imperative to try to limit the spread of the virus by preventively vaccinating the most exposed populations”, believes Romain Palich. And to add that“A significant number of people seen in screening and with a confirmed diagnosis of monkeypox have taken part in festive events or parties. They had sex or close physical proximity. These contact subjects are far from always being traceable”.

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