The United States ready to implode

by time news

The breaches are widening, spreading and multiplying in the foundations of the United States. The Supreme Court’s June 24 revocation of the Roe vs Wade [qui avait légalisé le droit à l’avortement en 1973] creates, whatever one may think about the substance, a crisis of legitimacy.

For the right, the leak of the draft of the decision of the Supreme Court on abortion [sur le site Politico] beginning of May revealed the rupture of the bipartisan and consensual tradition which prevailed within the institution. For the left, it revealed the will, on the part of conservative judges with dubious designation, to revoke acquired rights supported at 70%, even 80% by public opinion.

Political violence

Faced with the acceleration of political violence, like the Buffalo massacre [la tuerie à caractère raciste qui a fait 10 victimes africaines-américaines et 3 blessés, le 14 mai dans un supermarché de l’État de New York]it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between the conservative political movement and these acts of pure murderous madness.

It is no longer a question of whether or not a civil war will take place in the United States: the question now is to know where the demarcation line between the camps will be, what their strengths and their weaknesses will be, and in what way these strengths and weaknesses will decide the outcome of this conflict.

For some time now, at least since the presidency of Barack Obama, the right has been reveling in an imaginary civil war. In 2016, when Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton seemed poised to win the presidency, conservative Matt Bevin, then governor of Kentucky, projected an apocalypse scenario: “What waters the roots of the tree of freedom? The blood. Whose blood? That of tyrants of course, but who else? That of the patriots. What will the blood be shed? Perhaps the blood of the people in this room. Perhaps that of our children, of our grandchildren”, he had launched to his supporters at the Values ​​Voter Summit, the annual congress of social conservatives.

“Getting on a war footing”

The specter of civil war has also long been a chestnut tree on hard-right radio talk shows.

Whenever an individual enacts their belligerent rhetoric, these right-wing political and media figures are outraged that their words can be linked to the actions of others.

“We need to understand that we are under attack, that this is how war is fought in the 21st century.e century, we must put ourselves on a war footing”, yet declared radio host Alex Jones a few hours

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