Deliveroo sentenced on appeal for “hidden work”

by time news

The clouds are gathering for Deliveroo, which accumulates convictions.

The British delivery platform Deliveroo has been condemned for the first time on appeal for “hidden work”. On July 6, the judges of the Paris Court of Appeal validated the reclassification of the contract for the provision of services by a delivery person into an employment contract, thus confirming the decision of the industrial tribunal rendered in February 2020.

So far the platform had obtained two favorable judgments in second instance (in 2017 and 2021), but the bicycle delivery man who worked for it between September 2015 and April 2016, this time succeeded in ” characterize the fictivity of his independence with regard to the company Deliveroo and the existence of a real working relationship, the proof of the existence of a permanent legal subordination link being reported “, notes the judgment transmitted Friday to AFP. The Court of Appeal also condemned Deliveroo for acts of moral harassment because of the ” pressure exerted » on his courier and many messages to «aggressive and threatening tone ».

Deliveroo immediately responded by saying in a statement that “the old case mentioned in this judgment does not reflect the way Deliveroo operates with its delivery service providers today», and that the decision therefore has no impact on its current operating model. The meal delivery specialist also specifies that he will“analyze this judgment in detail”and that civil courts have ruled“six times”in his favour.

The clouds are gathering for Deliveroo, which accumulates convictions. In April, the company received its first criminal conviction for concealed work between 2015 and 2017. A decision it has appealed. At the beginning of June, the platform was also condemned by the industrial tribunal, and for the first time for facts after 2017. Again, Deliveroo announced its intention to contest.

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