“So we changed the story of the Israeli occupation” – time.news

by time news
from Marta Serafini

Mohammed El Kurd, expected in Ferrara for the Internazionale Festival, explains how he managed, together with his sister, to bring the history of his neighborhood, Sheikh Jarrah, to the attention of the world. The debate is no longer just military or political. It’s about values

I couldn’t sit on the sidelines and watch. When thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in Jerusalem last May to protest the Israeli judges’ decision to evict 28 Palestinian families from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, Mohammed El Kurd was in the United States where he was attending a master’s degree and where he has a brilliant career as a writer and poet already underway, despite being only 23 years old.. He could stay. But El Kurd has decided not to leave his family alone and not just come back. But he also gave birth, together with his twin sister Muna, to an international campaign that brought the issue of forced evictions of Palestinians to the center of attention and which earned him and his sister the nomination of the Time among the 100 most influential people of the year. Now Mohammed El Kurd in Italy, where on October 3, he will be present at the International meeting in Ferrara at the New Palestinian Voices meeting.

After the evictions of Sheik Jarrah and after the launch of missiles from Gaza, Israel attacked for eleven days. 255 died in the Palestinian enclave and 13 in Israel. How now is the situation in the neighborhood back to peace or still high tension?

Not over. One of our neighbors, Murad Attieh still in prison for taking part in the protests. My sister and I were only arrested for one day but people like Murad are still in jail. This ruling amplified the existing tensions between Palestinians and Israelis. In Sheikh Jarrah, 28 families – we’re talking about 552 people – are still facing this attempted expropriation by Israeli settlers who reside in the United States, and who work with Israeli authorities to kick us out of our homes. The police attack and arrest Palestinian journalists, prevent doctors from entering our neighborhood.

You and your sister managed to bring your point of view to the attention of the media with a social campaign and numerous media interventions. Furthermore, social networks have once again proved to be increasingly important on a political level. You have managed to do what Hamas cannot do with politics …

Gi. I think the narrative itself is changing. I think the ability to use social media has shifted the subject. We have moved from a political debate to a discourse on settlers, on ethnic cleansing and apartheid, on the right of resistance of our people, of our people, the right to defend themselves, to free their homeland. Let’s talk now about how the Israelis colonize Palestine. Not just politics. activism, are instances that start from below. We are talking about Haifa, Lydd, places that were no longer in the attention of the media.

Now for international attention on the issue dropped. Blame the media?

No, I think it is normal for news to have a life cycle. But the support of those next to us remains. In addition, stars of the caliber of Bella Hadid, The Weeknd, Viola Davis have begun to follow and support us. And we have collected it not only in the Middle East but also in the United States, a traditional ally of Israel. People are finally getting to the root, the message is being passed that colonialism and apartheid are two totally unfair policies. The success of the campaign shows that the public recognized themselves in our motivations, in our struggle and therefore that we are strong even if we are not on the front page.

You and your sister got more than a front page. You have been selected by Time among the 100 most influential people of the year. Did he expect it?

Absolutely no. But let me say that it worries me a little that they consider us heroes. indicative of how quiet people are. The fact that there is a dominant narrative so far from the truth is so troubling. And the fact that the refutation of that narrative is seen as a radical or extremist or courageous gesture leaves me perplexed.

You were arrested for her and her sister. Are you afraid of other reprisals?

They accused us of inciting violence against the police. Clearly, anyone with eyes can understand that we weren’t inciting violence but protecting our home. The arrest is part of the intimidation. I scare you so you stop talking, their technique. This will be neither the first nor the last time we are arrested. On the other hand, yes I certainly can’t help but remember that we have a history of activists murdered to silence them ….

What do you think will happen to your neighborhood in Sheik Jarrah?

Regardless of what the courts decide – and it will surely be a verdict in favor of the Israelis – Sheikh Jarrah is not the first and will not be the last neighborhood to be destroyed or looted. In Silwan we have more than 100 houses that will be demolished, more than 1,000 people will be left without a roof. In the hills south of Hebron, we have entire villages that are declared military zones. Villagers are dispossessed of their lands where they have planted their crops for years. It will not pass, and it is not just about Sheikh Jarrah. It’s about Israeli settler colonialism and Palestine, and I think people are starting to realize that. This is a first step.

October 1, 2021 (change October 1, 2021 | 11:43)

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