Diana Bracco, ‘companies must support culture, it is value investment’

by time news

“Culture is an extraordinary growth asset for Italy, a fundamental driver for sustainable and widespread economic development in the territories. The intertwining of beauty, art, landscape, creativity and innovation is the essential trait of our national identity, as well as than a global strength.investment in culture is a value investment, which enriches on a personal level and which has a positive impact both inside and outside the company, in the relationship with communities and territories. And it’s that’s why companies must support culture“Thus Diana Bracco, president of the Bracco Foundation, speaking in Spoleto at the meeting ‘For a culture of equality’, promoted by Rai for Sustainability Esg and Rai Umbria in collaboration with the Festival dei Due Mondi and the Municipality of Spoleto, in the Rai campaign for gender balance in the public debate is in tune with “No Women No Panel”.

“But companies – observes Bracco – must be offered certainties on the timing of the projects and guarantees on the real impact. As Art Bonus itself has shown, i tax benefitswhich is only a fundamental lever for private patronage in many countries, starting with the United States “.

According to the former president of Assolombarda, “the secret between public and private is to team up, with transparency. Companies cannot be treated like ATMs, but must be involved in the same design, going beyond the mere sponsorship relationship. This is the recipe that, for example, has allowed us at the Bracco Foundation to create solid and lasting partnerships with large institutions such as the Teatro Alla Scala and its Academy, the Quirinal Palace, the Poldi Pezzoli Museum, the National Gallery of Washington and many other. Over the years, realizing many projects of which we are proud, to the point that on the occasion of our 90th anniversary, in 2017 we published the volume ‘Bracco is culture’ “, concludes the entrepreneur and patron.

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