Nupes, Les Républicains, RN… Three shades of opposition to the Borne government

by time news

The legislative reshuffled the cards distributed in the presidential election. Victorious in May, Emmanuel Macron now finds himself in difficulty in the Assembly, where his presidential coalition has failed to obtain an absolute majority. And the opposition has found some pep. While the government will need about forty votes to pass its texts, the parties outside the majority are bulging their chests. But if the groups of the Nupes (union of the left), the National Rally and the Republicans have all declared themselves in opposition, each now refines its strategy in a different way. And each guideline has its pros and cons.

At Nupes, the “radical” opposition

Adrien Quatennens and the Insoumis applaud Mathilde Panot’s reaction to Elisabeth Borne’s speech. – BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

Within the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, we agree on at least one thing: bringing down Elisabeth Borne. Rebellious, socialists, ecologists and communists have all signed the motion of censure against his government, which will be debated Monday in the Assembly. “The Prime Minister’s roadmap does not suit us,” says William Martinet, LFI deputy for Yvelines. We want to prevent the coup by a presidential coalition defeated in the legislative elections, and bring down a government which is only there by the act of the prince, ”he adds. By forgetting in passing that the macronists obtained a relative majority on June 19.

By constantly heckling Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday in the Assembly, the rebellious show that they plan to make life difficult in government. With bangs, like the organization on the same day of this wedding between a fake Emmanuel Macron and a fake Marine Le Pen in front of the Hemicycle. “We are radically opposed to Macron’s project. Our style sticks to that, it may not be in the habit of deputies, but yes, it will stir, ”warns the rebellious.

Le +: By engaging in a frontal opposition, the Nupes cannot be accused of helping the government. And in the case of a possible dissolution, it can thus hope to embody the alternation. This week, it has also presented its own proposals on purchasing power.

Le -: La France insoumise is seen as the locomotive of the Nupes, but the first days in the Assembly revealed differences with the other components of the alliance on the left, not really comfortable with the shattering style of LFI. If they oppose each other systematically, the Nupes could also be accused of blocking by its opponents.

At the National Rally, the opposition “resolute but constructive”

Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen announced that her party would be in opposition “resolute but constructive”. The National Rally has already indicated that it will not vote Monday the motion of censure tabled by the left. “We are in a determined opposition, without concession, but we were elected to advance the country, to bring debates in the Hemicycle on immigration, in particular. Not to clown around like the far left, ”says RN deputy Sébastien Chenu. During Elisabeth Borne’s speech, instructions were given: the 89 elected officials of the RN barely had the right to raise an eyebrow. “We are focused on the image that we will send back to the Assembly, that the French realize that they can entrust us with the keys to the country one day”, adds the spokesperson for the RN.

The + : Marine Le Pen pursues her goal of notabilisation, by (over) playing the strategy of opposition… to the rebellious. “We will be serious and will show that Marine Le Pen is well surrounded. It’s a new step of credibility for our movement,” says Chenu.

Le -: By pushing this normalization strategy ever further, RN deputies could lose some of their voters, fiercely opposed to Emmanuel Macron. The elected RNs are also likely to quickly appear as a godillot opposition, under the rule of Marine Le Pen.

At Les Républicains, an opposition without “sterile blockage”

Olivier Marleix during a session of questions to the government of the previous term.
Olivier Marleix during a session of questions to the government of the previous term. – Jacques Witt/SIPA

After several weeks of dithering, the right has confirmed that it would be in opposition. In opposition, yes, but “never (in) sterile blockage. We have no intention of paralyzing everything when our country has already fallen so far behind, ”assured the leader of LR deputies, Olivier Marleix, on Wednesday.

In recent days, the right has reached out to the government of Elisabeth Borne. “We will put our measures on the table, as we did on purchasing power, adds Pierre-Henri Dumont, LR deputy for Pas-de-Calais. The one who initiates the texts is the government. The Assembly is governable, and no one wants to block just to block. All the texts can pass, but it will be up to them to choose, we will see if they are really in the compromise”.

The + : By becoming the support force of the majority, the right hopes to push its pawns, such as the tax exemption of overtime, seen with a good eye at Bercy. The Republicans will then be able to boast of their action as a “party of government”, faced with the “radicality” of LFI and the RN.

Le -: The right is on an ambiguous crest line. How to help the government to pass its bills without losing its identity and its status as an opponent? The Republicans could quickly be assimilated to Macronie after having booed the head of state so much in recent months.

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