How to beat school stress in teenagers

by time news
The therapy developed could be deployed as a prevention tool on a large scale and at a lower cost. Xavier Lorenzo / Alamy via Reuters

DECRYPTION – A thirty-minute online module would defuse the deleterious effects of anxiety.

American researchers present this Wednesday in the journal Nature a strategy for dealing with academic stress in adolescents. The therapy that these psychologists from the University of Texas (Austin) have developed could, according to them, be deployed as a prevention tool on a large scale and at a lower cost. It consists of a thirty-minute training module, to be followed online. Tested with 4,200 young people aged 13 to 22 in different contexts, the intervention has improved “their psychological well-being, academic success and symptoms of anxiety during the spring 2020 lockdown related to Covid-19”write the researchers.

According to David Yeager, developmental psychologist and lead author of the study, “experiences in which adolescents fear being judged negatively, such as exams or public speaking, can have a very negative impact on their mental health”. Feelings…

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