how to create values ​​from data

by time news

The digital transformation and the role of data in the creation of economic and social value were the central points of the ‘From data to value’ event, held in Matera on 24 September, the latest approach to the EY digital summit scheduled for 5 to 7 October.

In the last two years, data traffic in Italy has doubled thanks to smart working, distance learning, the purchase of goods, the use of online services and the consolidation of connected objects estimated at over 90 million, of which only a third represented by smartphones. The pandemic crisis has made it clear the importance of accelerating the country’s modernization process through the digital transformation. In particular, one of the emerging issues is the possibility of generating value starting from data for all stakeholders, pursuing new business models in all sectors.

Thanks to the resources allocated by the pnrr, today we are faced with a historic opportunity to give a concrete change to the digital transformation path, to be seized on the fly to accelerate the recovery of the economic system “Digitization is an important accelerator for economic growth , the country’s productivity and employment, but they are there some gaps to be filled, such as the spread of broadband and the enhancement of everyone’s digital skills. A central node is that of the interoperability of data between Public Administrations, which must always be accompanied by the security of the data themselves “, declared Mauro Minenna, coordinator of the digital transformation department at the opening of the summit.

But what will be the success factors of the digital revolution and the extraction of value from so-called ‘big data’? Entrepreneurs, institutions and managers discussed it in theevento EY From data to value staged in Matera. The choice of Matera it is not accidental. Already European capital of culture in 2019, the ‘city of stones’, is in fact home to the ‘House of emerging technologies’, one of Mise’s leading projects in the field of innovative technologies. The project was launched with the aim of supporting research and experimentation programs, supporting the creation of startups and the transfer of technological skills, based on the use of emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, iot (internet of things).

“Matera is a smart city, the first in Italy to have created a Digital Twin model of the city that allows you to imagine scenarios and events before they occur, monitoring the territory under different aspects. A smart city approach made possible also thanks to partners important and the acquisition of data and their use for the welfare of citizens “, says Alberto Acito, deputy mayor of Matera.

The companies that have reacted best to the crisis due to the pandemic are precisely those with a more digital-oriented operating model, which in more than one case have also increased business opportunities. This is also why it is clear that digital transformation and the role of big data in creating value represent two central points in the challenge to be able to compete as a country system on a global level, especially since Italy is still lagging behind many European countries. In fact, the data emerging from Desi 2020 (Digital economy and society index of the European Commission) place our country in 25th place compared to the 27 countries of the European Union as an overall level of digitization. Furthermore, among companies one of the few digital tools used today is electronic invoicing, thanks to the introduction of the regulatory obligation.

What are the levers on which to act to complete the digital transformation? Completion of digital infrastructures, development of services and use of customized technologies, understanding of the needs of the subjects and investments in human capital. The Public Administration, also thanks to the NRP, can play a central role in the modernization of services for citizens and businesses and, in particular for health, with the creation of new digital-based assistance models.

For the consolidation of digital infrastructures, of fundamental importance for the development of new services, a series of initiatives have already been launched, including for example: the proposal of an Italy cloud strategy to define a national strategic pole, the establishment of the Agency for national cyber security, the completion of consultations with telecommunications operators for the definition of a call for tenders for the extension of ultra-broadband infrastructures also to the so-called gray areas.

Such an important amount of accessible data outlines new challenges that emerged during the Matera debate, including the ability to extract value from the data for all the different stakeholders involved in the value chain and the ability to develop new services or redesign traditional services in an innovative way. . In addition to the issue of data collection, there is also the issue of control and management of the same in terms of safety, standardization, interoperability, compliance with regulations.

In terms of utilities, there are many technologies available and therefore the amount of data to be managed is enormous. Remote control of the chain becomes a fundamental tool to be able to intervene promptly on the network, also through digital twin models. So the question of control is central to being able to offer better and personalized services“, declares Edoardo Fistolera, digital chef & information officer, Dolomiti Energia Group.

The creation of value from the available data requires profound reflections on various areas of action including new service models, business models, increasingly integrated and connected supply chains.

In this context it is the role of human resources is central, with particular reference to the adequate training of young people and the re-skilling of resources already active. In this regard, Stefano Scabbio, president of southern Europe Manpower Group, says: “In a context in which Italian companies are digitizing like never before and with a net employment forecast index of + 28% in terms of willingness to hire companies. , the most critical aspect is that companies cannot find specialized profiles. Talent is lacking for 85% of company requests. This is why we must continue the transformation of skills, upskill and reskill with speed and in an increasingly specific way “.

“There is a need for a cultural and process transformation. For example PA procedures must be rethought with personalized digital services closer to the real needs of citizens and based on criteria such as proactivity and automation“, says Vincenzo Caridi, Cio, Inps.

In order to be competitive, companies, especially those operating in the B2C sector, will have to increasingly commit to offering personalized experiences designed on big data analysis with particular reference to: consistent master and consumption data across all channels, visibility of the entire value network , real-time access to all structured and unstructured data, qualitative and quantitative analysis of consumer perception and feedback to design increasingly personalized experiences.

In particular, Stephen Taylor, innovation and complex systems (isc), science park area, focused on the importance of supply chain visibility: “Innovation means creating a digital ecosystem with open access to all operators in the chain. And also involve companies from other supply chains in order to create benefits for the community. In my opinion, one sector that can make the most of this open innovation model is the agri-food industry “.

To achieve these objectives, tools such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, augmented reality will play an increasingly strategic role in transforming the consumer products, retail and industrial sectors, with particular focus on both the personalization of the shopping and consumption experience and in terms of efficiency. production and profitability. Concepts supported by several entrepreneurs present at the meeting in Matera, including Giovanna d’Esposito, general manager Southern Europe Uber, who declares: “To create real value from data, the customer and his needs must always be at the center. A centrality of the user experience that is expressed with new services that correspond to new data. Solutions also in favor of the community and environmental sustainability “.

The financial resources of the EU and the ‘missions’ of the NRP design an ideal scenario to start the country towards the definitive digital transition, also through the use of big data as a source of economic and social value creation. But in order for this great opportunity not to go to waste, it is necessary to keep in mind several factors.

“First of all that of having a holistic vision that includes the formation of integrated ecosystems between the various subjects. A second factor is linked to the ability to put people at the center, both as recipients of services and as implementers of the same. Last but not least, the ability to ‘execute’ the many and ambitious projects envisaged “, concludes Giuseppe Donatelli, EY partner.

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