Madame’s good butter

by time news

The Poilâne and Roellinger houses have decided to promote in their shop and restaurant a Breton butter that has come a long way. This churned butter, salted, with raw cream, is a little gem, heir to the great history of Brittany.

Its milk comes from Froment du Léon cows, an old breed of small Breton cow, formerly called “Madam’s Cow” for the sailor’s wife, often alone, appreciated the gentleness of her character. This local breed has practically disappeared, and its production of less than ten liters per day (compared to more than forty-five for a milkmaid) gives a particular value to this butter produced by Thierry Lemarchand in the Rennes basin where the grass is so beautiful. .

The sequel after the ad

Delicate and fragrant, rich in beta carotene, with a golden yellow color, this butter packaged in small 125 gram jars can be spread on a nice slice of sourdough bread.

Madame’s Butter

Christine Brion

Madame’s butter, €6.80, at Epices Roellinger, 51 bis rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris, or at Boutique Poilâne, 8 rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 Paris.

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