Expulsion of foreigners who have committed serious acts: “100 times yes” for Le Pen

by time news

“If he wants to expel foreigners guilty of crimes and misdemeanors, it’s 100 times yes,” said the leader of the National Rally deputies. Marine Le Pen said Sunday on BFMTV her total support for the Interior Minister’s proposal to expel “any foreigner” who “has committed serious acts”.

In an interview with Le Monde on Saturday, Gérald Darmanin said he wanted to “allow the expulsion of any foreigner found guilty of a serious act by the courts, regardless of their condition of presence on national territory”.

Darmanin does not want to negotiate with the RN

Today, the law sets conditions to prevent the expulsion of foreigners, in particular an arrival on the territory before the age of 13, a provision that the minister wishes to skip. This measure must be integrated into the future law of orientation and programming of the Ministry of the Interior (Lopmi), “presented at the start of the school year”, according to the minister. “It is part of the elements which show that a word from the French was heard during the legislative campaign”, pleaded Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson, in the Grand Jury program, on RTL-LCI-Le Figaro sunday. A proposal which “must be able to unite beyond our sole majority”, according to him, because “security is not the prerogative of the right”.

Gérald Darmanin has already said he is ready to discuss Lopmi “with the LRs, the centrists and even part of the left”, but excluding the National Rally and La France insoumise, formations which he described as “ enemies” on the RMC / BFMTV set on Tuesday. “I respect them as parliamentarians” he had specified, “but we do not have to discuss, to negotiate with the RN or La France Insoumise”.

“This takes Mr. Darmanin out of the commonly accepted rules of the Republic,” reacted Marine Le Pen on Sunday. “The RN deputies did not fall from the sky, they were elected by millions of French people,” she continued. “The Republic is founded on respect for democracy. “For her part, the rebellious MP Clémentine Autain denounced on Twitter the idea of ​​expelling “any foreigner” who “has committed serious acts” as a measure that “speaks to the guts of the far right” .

A “bought” election

The patroness of the Rassemblement national deputies Marine Le Pen also estimated that Emmanuel Macron had “bought his election” thanks to “whatever it costs” during the Covid-19 epidemic and that he was ending it despite the ‘inflation. She was reacting to a statement by Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, in Le Parisien on Saturday: “We went from what it costs to how much it costs”. “Mr. Attal is there to get the French used to the measures to help purchasing power stop,” she said.

Asked about this topic, the RN deputy from Pas-de-Calais mentioned the “provisional” rebate of 18 cents at the pump, when she proposes “structural measures”. Among these, a “0% VAT on a basket of 100 basic necessities” or even the reduction of VAT from “20 to 5.5%” on “fuel, fuel oil and electricity”, which it wants to finance by a “tax on super-profits”. “We have tabled an amendment in the Finance Committee on this subject”, she indicated, while the deputies will examine this week in various committees the bill on purchasing power, before its passage in the hemicycle from 18 July.

Marine Le Pen also declared that the RN deputies would vote in favor of further tax exemption for overtime, a measure to which the Minister of the Economy said he was open.

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