US underground lab Walk in the world’s most sensitive LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter detector – BBC News Thai

by time news

image source, SURF


Nearly the innermost layer of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter detector.

The results of commissioning of the dark matter detector “LUX-XEPLIN” (LUX-XEPLIN), located at an old gold mine 1 kilometer underground in the US state of South Dakota. It was found that the device has the highest sensitivity to detect rare particles in the world. and possibly discovering dark matter within the next decade.

Originally a dark matter detector “Lux-Zeplin” or “LC” (LZ) is scheduled to start operating last year. But because of the pandemic of COVID-19 causing the need to postpone the schedule However, at the moment, a team of engineers and scientists at Sanford Underground Research Station (SURF) say that all equipment has been installed and the first phase of the test run has been completed.

Dark matter comprises 85% of all matter in the universe. Although we still do not know what it is and where it is hiding. But scientists were able to prove that dark matter exists. After discovering that the gravitational force of ordinary matter known to man It’s not enough to gather space objects to clump together like galaxies. And it’s not enough to push galaxies to spin the way they are.

Most physicists today assume that Some particles that are massive but interact weakly with their surroundings, or WIMPs, are the pursuit of dark matter. It is believed that billions of dark matter particles pass through our planet and ourselves at any moment. But it will only require a detector with extremely high resolution and sensitivity. So such mysterious particles can be discovered.

To avoid interference from cosmic rays, dust and other undesirable particles, the LC dark matter detector is located one kilometer underground in the old gold mine, further immersed in a large refined well. first class

image source, SURF


A team is building an underground research station in an old gold mine in 2019.

The dark matter sensor is located inside the titanium tank. Scientists contain 10 tons of pure, low-temperature liquid xenon, making the center of this titanium tank an area where It “has the highest level of contamination-free cleanliness in the world and the solar system,” according to the research station.

When there are high-resolution particles that are likely dark matter. fell into the aforementioned titanium tank It will collide with the xenon atoms causing a flash of light. and releases a number of electrons before passing through it. Light sensors at the top and bottom of the titanium tank record crash data. To analyze whether the particles that pass through are dark matter or not.

image source, Slack


When particles enter the titanium tank It will collide with the xenon atoms until they light up and release electrons. before moving through

If it is proved that the light is caused by a suspected particle colliding with the nucleus of a xenon atom. without colliding with electrons There is a high probability that the particle is dark matter.

A team of 250 scientists in charge of the LC dark matter detector said that Even the detector has high sensitivity and efficiency. But they expect to only see a signal of the suspect particles coming through only a few times a year. However, the researchers hope to get a 20-fold increase in detection data over the next few years.

image source, SURF


Some of a team of 250 scientists took pictures with an LC machine inside a pond that would hold the purified water.

Dr. Hugh Lippincott, physicist and spokesperson for the research team. “The chances of discovering dark matter with this device are probably less than 50%, but at least the chances of it succeeding are still higher,” said in a press release on July 7. 10%”

Dr Aaron Manaleisai, coordinator of the research project, added: “Without dark matter Everything in the universe will be separated from each other. Without galaxies, without earth, and without us, it would be impossible to understand the history and evolution of the universe. If we don’t try to solve the mystery of dark matter first.”

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