The Petah Tikva Municipality is promoting a solution for collecting electronic waste – from Tel Aviv Commune

by time news

This week, the Petah Tikva Municipality and the MAI Corporation signed an agreement for the treatment and recycling of electronic waste and batteries, as part of which new recycling centers and collection centers will be established throughout the city.

E-waste is one of the significant challenges facing the State of Israel in the field of recycling, waste separation and environmental protection. In recent years, the Petah Tikva Municipality has further promoted the entire issue of recycling and waste separation and is now also promoting the issue of electronic waste recycling. The Petah Tikva Municipality has signed an agreement with the MAI Electronics Recycling Corporation, which specializes in the collection and treatment of electronic waste, and an agreement for the collection of electronic waste and the treatment of collected electronic waste.

“Electronic waste is only 2% of our household waste, but constitutes 70% of the pollution factor of water, air and land,” notes Mayor Rami Greenberg. “The treatment of e-waste requires a different treatment from the recycling of regular and perishable waste, so we contacted the MA Corporation. Specializing in the subject and providing an appropriate answer. In some cases the waste is collected from the house and in other cases it is collected from the collection complexes. “Electronic waste is, as mentioned, a significant polluting factor and I sincerely hope that the solution has now been found to treat this significant hazard.”

Options for delivering electronic, electrical, and recyclable waste throughout the city:

  1. Collection centers for large, small electrical waste and batteries:

Large electrical and electronic equipment can also be brought to the collection centers, including large products such as: large power tools, computer screens, fans, heaters, bulbs, batteries, etc. for recycling.

For more information and addresses of the collection centers, visit the PA page on the MAI Corporation website.

  1. Small waste collection points and batteries:

Electronic waste (up to 50 cm) such as computers, a vacuum cleaner, telephones, cameras, printers, games, etc., and batteries must be disposed of at collection points.

In the collection centers you will usually find two containers:

  • Battery collection container
  • An electronic waste collection container can be carried up to 50 cm.
  1. Evacuation by reading:

Dedicated collection days for collecting large electronic and electrical waste, from the sidewalks of the houses.

First, call the sidewalk contractor and order an evacuation in the online form / through the municipal hotline. The large electrical appliance should be lowered to the sidewalk of the house on the designated day.

The service is provided free of charge!

  1. special occasions:
  • Evacuation of the house key to the third floor / if there is an elevator – 50 NIS.
  • Evacuation over the third floor and without an elevator – price will be given in a conversation between the contractor and the resident.
  • Senior citizens / disabled – free evacuation

Collection locations for small and medium-sized products:

  • The municipal parking lot at Sirkin Junction, 3 Yekutiel Adam Street
  • Urban complex, 18 Nachshon Street
  • Urban complex, 21 HaMaccabim Street
  • Urban complex, 82 Gissin Avshalom Street

In Dispose of in collection points: lithium batteries, light bulbs, small medical devices, including veterinary devices, chainsaws and electric knives, aircraft batteries and batteries for electric bicycles and scooters.

In addition, the electric attraction of the summer, the recycling plant – MAI Factory One of the most advanced and innovative in the world, you will reach Petah Tikva On Monday 11.7.22.

Residents are invited to bring home electronic e-waste, and will go through an experiential route that simulates the recycling plants for e-waste that exist in Israel and around the world. Through light, sound, sound and touch, residents will experience the recycling experience. Participants will touch and see what an electronic waste recycling process looks like. In this way, residents will have the opportunity to take an active and practical part in collection and recycling, and will even receive social and value rewards.

The activity is open to the general public and will take place at the football field, at 44 Henrietta Szold Street. The activity is in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Education.

Photo: Petah Tikva Municipality
Credit: MAI Factory.

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