News 24 | Health offers tips to avoid stomach upset during Eid

by time news

The Ministry of Health has provided several tips to prevent intestinal upset, in which a person suffers from digestive disorders and spasms after eating or drinking.

The ministry pointed out that excessive eating during Eid or in family gatherings may cause intestinal confusion, noting that this confusion does not last long and does not cause danger.

She stressed the need to avoid overeating, to eat calmly, to avoid fatty and spicy foods, to stay away from smoking, and not to lie down immediately after eating.

She advised not to exercise with a full stomach, and to reduce caffeine, chocolate and soft drinks.

It is noteworthy that the symptoms of intestinal upset include heartburn, constipation, belching and gas, abdominal pain, a bitter and hot taste in the mouth, and a feeling of nausea, fullness or bloating.

Tips for upset stomach

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