Protest in Sri Lanka: Millions of dollars were found in the president’s residence

by time news

Check in Sri Lanka: In a video posted on the Internet and quickly distributed, protesters against the Sri Lankan government are seen breaking into the residence of President Gutbaya Rajapaxa, and finding millions of rupees. In the video, they are seen counting the bills. According to them, the large amount of money in the president’s residence was returned by them to the authorities.

The fierce protest that erupted in Sri Lanka against the government began in the wake of the severe economic crisis that befell the country. In the context of the crisis, there is a severe shortage of food and medicine products. The president and prime minister of the country have announced that they agree to resign.

A video posted on social media shows the protesters entering the president’s house and even bathing in the presidential pool, after breaking through the security fences set up by the police. Also, President Rajpaxa was not present and was transferred in advance to another location when it was not yet clear how many security personnel there are inside the residence. Additional documentation circulated throughout the network shows the prime minister’s house going up in flames after it was reportedly set on fire. The location of the fleeing president is unknown.

As mentioned, Sri Lanka is suffering from the worst financial crisis in its history and many of the citizens are struggling to buy food, medicine and fuel. A police curfew imposed earlier in a number of counties was lifted today, after a number of politicians and lawyers in the country claimed the curfew was illegal, and that there were no cases of violence justifying such a move.

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