from the “state scandal” to the threat of a commission of inquiry, opposition critics of Emmanuel Macron’s support for the American group

by time news

The revelations of Monde and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) concerning the support given by Emmanuel Macron, when he was Minister of the Economy, to the multinational transport company Uber, triggered numerous political reactions on Monday, July 11, particularly on the left. , where the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, Alexis Corbière, said he wanted the opening of a parliamentary commission of inquiry on this subject in the National Assembly.

Read our survey: Article reserved for our subscribers “Uber Files”: revelations about the secret deal between Uber and Emmanuel Macron in Bercy

“The president or whoever will be president cannot be a lobbyist serving private interests and a North American company that has more than delicacy with the United States and seeks to circumvent regulations”, estimated the elected representative of La France insoumise on Public Senate. Mr. Corbière intends to question the government on this subject during the next session of questions to the government, Tuesday, and said he wanted ” discuss “ the advisability of a parliamentary commission of inquiry within the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes).

“We urgently need to be able to clarify this and draw the consequences”he insisted even if, according to him, to replace or have others launch the commission of inquiry into inflation wanted by the left alliance, their number being limited by groups in the National Assembly. “Uber deserves a small commission of inquiry”abounded on Twitter Pierre Dharreville, MP (Democratic and Republican Left) for Bouches-du-Rhône. Alexis Corbière also said he expected Emmanuel Macron to speak on this subject: “If he does not, we are in the presidential irresponsibility of the Ve Republic: “I am elected, I do what I want””he considered.

In the eyes of Mathilde Panot, the leader of the La France insoumise deputies, on Twitterthe one who was adviser and then minister to François Hollande also became “lobbyist for [une] US multinational company aiming to permanently deregulate labor law – even by ignoring court decisions”. “For several months, the French government has been doing everything to block the directive on platform workers presented in December by the European Commission. Macron is definitely the voice of his master,” abounded for his part Manuel Bompard, LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Uber Files”: from Parliament to ministries, Uber’s all-out lobbying to be accepted in France

“We read that the company did not miss an opportunity to try to allow Emmanuel Macron to promote himself, to appear as a modern minister, champion of innovation. He therefore also had a calculation and a political aim in mind, considered Sunday Aurélien Taché, ecologist deputy, on Franceinfo. Tonight we are faced with a state scandal. The question of the very loyalty of the President of the Republic to the French nation is raised. He must react to the height of the questions that have been revealed. »

“Fortunately he was doing his job,” replies Aurore Bergé

The leader of the Renaissance deputies (La République en Marche), Aurore Bergé, defended, on CNews, the action of Emmanuel Macron. “It’s great, a country that is offended that a minister of the economy receives business leaders”taunted Mme Bergé, in response to harsh criticism from the left. “Fortunately he was doing his job, fortunately our ministers can ensure that companies set up in France”she argued.

Also listen “Uber Files”: how Minister Macron secretly helped Uber

Uber “creates a service that the French acclaim”also underlined the deputy of Yvelines, who also assured that, in the previous mandate of the Head of State, “the social rights of the employees of these platforms [avaient été accrus] ». “There is no deal, there are no quid pro quos” between Uber and Emmanuel Macron, she added. On the other hand, she concluded, “He is the president who allowed the reception of a certain number of companies, favored our reindustrialization and the creation of jobs”.

On the far right, support for Uber has sparked the ire of the interim president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, who viewed on twitter : “It was public knowledge, the “Uber Files” demonstrate it once again: despite the permanent “at the same time”, Emmanuel Macron’s career has a coherence, a common thread, to serve private interests, often foreign , before national interests”. “A commission of inquiry is essential, also considered on his side Gilbert Collard, honorary president of Reconquest!, the party of Eric Zemmour. After the Alstom, Benalla and McKinsey cases, here is now the case of the scheming taxis. »

“Uber Files”, an international investigation

“Uber Files” is an investigation based on thousands of internal Uber documents sent by an anonymous source to the British daily The Guardianand forwarded to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and 42 media partners, including The world.

Emails, presentations, meeting minutes… These 124,000 documents, dated from 2013 to 2017, offer a rare dive into the mysteries of a start-up which was then seeking to establish itself in cities around the world despite a regulatory context. unfavorable. They detail how Uber has used, in France as elsewhere, all the tricks of lobbying to try to change the law to its advantage.

The “Uber Files” also reveal how the Californian group, determined to impose itself by a fait accompli and, if necessary, by operating illegally, has implemented practices deliberately playing with the limits of the law, or which may amount to judicial obstruction of the investigations of which he was the subject.

Find all our articles from the “Uber Files” survey

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