A new single player Apex Legends game is in development

by time news

studio RespawnThe subsidiary of the gaming giant EAAnd developer of the popular Battle Royale game Apex Legends, Working on a single player game … in the Apex Legends universe, after a job ad was published that the company posted on its official website. As mentioned, the new game will take place in the Apex universe, the same “universe” where the game series took place TitanfallOf its foundations The studio developed Apex Legends.

The new title is described as “a new single-player experience that will be a dream ‘playground’ for developers who want to innovate, and is made possible thanks to the unique universe in which the game takes place.” So far there is no indication as to what the game will be like. For all we know it can be a small and experimental title to test the waters of Apex Legends single player content.

Maybe Titanfall really is not dead, and they will finally give people what they want, the third game in the successful series. (The first game was a reasonable plus, while the second game is considered one of the best shooting games of the last decade. Although Respawn as a studio has remained committed to this universe, it has been explicitly stated in the past thattitan case 3 Will not happen soon.

The main reason for Respawn’s reluctance to develop a new Titanfall game, is the desire to develop and expand the game universe as much as possible, so that there will always be the potential to develop more games in the future. This trend is not just special for EA. Each of the largest gaming companies in the world, is responsible for a particular brand, which it runs on a number of different games whether it is, Voice of Duty, Apex Legends, Riot games, Blizzard and more.

The success of Apex Legends has spawned a mobile game, which is also a success in the mobile world.
In addition, in recent years it seems that Respawn are the only studio of EA, which really manages to release quality content, and relatively with fewer glitches and bugs. So playing FPS for a new single player in the Apex universe is something that would be hard to say no to.

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