Great success in Gubbio for an exhibition on Federico da Montefeltro

by time news

Great success with audiences and critics for the exhibition that Gubbio dedicates to one of the most important patrons of the Renaissance, “Federico da Montefeltro and Gubbio. There is all our core and all our soulWhich, inaugurated last June 19, has already recorded over 2500 visitors in the first three weeks of opening. A significant fact, which highlights the attention to this illustrious figure of Italian history, who gave so much prestige to the city of Gubbio, where he chose to build his second Palazzo Ducale.

The exhibition celebrates 600 years from birth of the duke, which took place in Gubbio in 1422. To host it until 2 October 2022 are three places in the Umbrian city: Ducal Palace, Palazzo dei Consoli e Diocesan Museumcon over 260 works exposed. The exhibition is curated by Francesco Paolo Di Teodoro with Lucia Bertolini, Patrizia Castelli, Fulvio Cervini. It can be visited every day with continuous opening hours (10-19) and a single ticket for the three locations.

“We are particularly satisfied with this first result – underlines the Councilor for Culture Giovanna Uccellani – responds to the expectations raised immediately by this exhibition, the result of an intense and meticulous work by the curators, whom I thank again on behalf of the Municipal Administration. The itinerary offers important focuses on the life, interests and history of Duke Federico da Montefeltro and the relationship with Gubbio, his birthplace. They are told in three prestigious locations in our city, each with specific sections. Federico da Montefeltro himself expressed his clear affection for our city in a letter sent in 1446 in which he wrote ‘Lì è tucto el core nostra et tucta anima nostra’. Words that we have borrowed for the title of the exhibition. We expect a large influx and numbers growing in the coming months, due to the national and international character of this important exhibition event. A unique tribute from Gubbio to the great Duke Federico da Montefeltro “.

A great leader and captain of fortune, Federico da Montefeltro loved the arts, music, literature, mathematics and astronomy. During the exhibition, visitors have the opportunity to admire a rich and varied collection of works on loan from prestigious Italian and foreign institutions as well as private collectors: paintings, books, coins, weapons, armor, documents, musical and astronomical instruments, medals , furnishings. In particular, fifteen splendid manuscripts (among them only two facsimiles), distributed among the three locations, arrive from the Vatican Apostolic Library, which preserves the entire library of Frederick and his successors.

The construction events of the palace, court life and the arts in Gubbio in the Feltre period are told at Palazzo Ducale. Palazzo dei Consoli presents a first section dedicated to making, watching and thinking about war in the era of Federico da Montefeltro and another to the humanistic culture of the duke. At the Diocesan Museum the exhibition is dedicated to the mathematical, astronomical and astrological sciences, particularly dear to the court and the duke.

The exhibition is promoted by the National Committee for the celebration of the sixth centenary of the birth of Federico da Montefeltro together with the Regional Directorate of Umbria Museums, the Municipality of Gubbio, Diocese of Gubbio, Palazzo Ducale di Gubbio, Palazzo dei Consoli and Museo Diocesano with the contribution of the Umbria Region, the support of the Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia Foundation, in collaboration with Gubbio Cultura e Multiservizi and the Festival of the Middle Ages. The catalog is by Silvana Editoriale. The organization is entrusted to Maggioli Cultura.

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