Duel Nupes / Borne, disdain of the RN and LR… Unsurprising rejection of the motion of censure

by time news

In the National Assembly,

Politics sometimes looks like a bad soap opera: a scenario without twists, actors not in their best shape, an end that we guess in advance. The National Assembly discussed this Monday afternoon the motion of no confidence tabled by the deputies of the Nupes (New Popular Ecological and Social Union) against the government. For several days, the rebellious elected officials and their left-wing allies pretended to hope to bring down Elisabeth Borne and her ministers. But the motion had no chance of succeeding. So, a few minutes before the opening of the debates, room of the Four Columns, the atmosphere is far from being electric. Rare deputies march mechanically in front of the cameras, as if already tired of the non-surprises to come in the hemicycle.

Non-surprise n°1: Mathilde Panot unleashes her blows against Elisabeth Borne

At 4 p.m., Mathilde Panot tries to stir up the scattered ranks of the National Assembly. Like last week, the president of the group of La France insoumise does not spare Elisabeth Borne. “The president kept you in office while your ideas are in the minority in the country. You derive your legitimacy neither from the legislative elections nor from Parliament, from which you have not asked for the confidence to conduct the policy of the Nation. You are a democratic anomaly in this office, ”she said, triggering boos from the majority.

The rebellious know that their motion was nipped in the bud, but the objective may be elsewhere: to appear as the only opposition force against Emmanuel Macron. On several occasions, Mathilde Panot also tries to overhang the elected Les Républicains, and especially, those of the National Rally. “Those who will not vote for this motion of no confidence will be the supporters of your policy, of retirement at 65, of the policy of damage and social injustice, of your climate inaction”.

Unsurprising no. 2: Heckled, Borne responds to attacks

“We could be acting for the French people” but “instead of that, we are debating a motion of censure sewn with a trial of intent which is an obstacle to parliamentary work”. We could also expect it, Elisabeth Borne is in line with her general policy speech. Heckled by the rebellious throughout her speech, the Prime Minister remains imperturbable, even allowing herself a few spades at her opponents. “The future in common has been replaced by invective in common. I’m telling you maybe, you didn’t win. Neither the presidential nor the legislative. In a democracy, it is not the one with the fewest seats who is legitimate to govern”.

No surprise n ° 3: The right and the RN sweep the motion

As they had indicated in recent hours, the non-Nupes oppositions are sweeping away the motion of censure presented by the left. “What hypocrisy to want to bring down a government that you put in power. This motion of censure is a motion of imposture, ”launches the deputy of the National Rally, Alexandre Loubet. “The time is not for low political maneuvers, but for action in the service of the French and the examination of the text on purchasing power”, he adds, to the cheers of his colleagues. Note that the president of the group, Marine Le Pen, did not even consider it useful to come to the hemicycle.

The tone is more or less the same at Les Républicains. “We will not join our voices to those of the far left with which we have nothing in common,” insists LR MP Michèle Tabarot. “You don’t have our distrust today, but we don’t give our confidence for all that. We will judge on the acts, ”adds the elected representative of the Alpes-Maritimes, addressing Elisabeth Borne.

Unsurprising No. 4: The motion largely rejected

The evening therefore logically escapes the coup de theater, shortly before 7 p.m., when the result of the votes is revealed: only 146 deputies voted for the motion of censure, far from the 289 votes required to bring down the government. “Everyone now knows where to locate the different groups in the Assembly”, plague the boss of the PS Olivier Faure in front of the journalists. A little further on, the government spokesman quips: “The Nupes congress is officially over”. In the hemicycle as in front of the cameras, everyone played their role perfectly.

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