Jerusalem Municipality completes preparations for US President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel

by time news

The Sanitation Division was prepared with increased forces to clean the traffic arteries and visiting areas. Cleaning crews were deployed in the public areas.

In addition, municipal staff are completing preparations throughout the city, including the removal of hazards, the hanging of direction signs along the streets where the presidential convoy will pass, the ban on parking vehicles and more.

The walls of the Old City and the String Bridge will be illuminated with Israeli and American flags on Wednesdays and Thursdays (13-14.7). Main squares in the city, such as King David Square and Paris Square, will also be illuminated in the colors of the American flag.

Parking arrangements:

Alternative parking spaces have been arranged for residents living on the arteries of the Presidential Convoy movement, along which parking will not be allowed. The following is a list of parking lots (based on availability): Menora, Wolfson-Diskin, HaLeum, Agron, Hassid-Chopin, Ahad Ha’am, YMCA, Yes Planet, Safra Square and the Botanical Garden.

Residents with regional signs along the streets will receive text messages regarding the alternative parking lots.

HaMoked 106 – will be intensified throughout the visit.

Emergency and Security Division – Trust in coordinating and including the event in front of all security officials.

Enforcement and Policing Division – Arranged to assist in maintaining public order in order to facilitate the public on visiting days.

Events in the city center:

An auto-food festival in the Ben Hinnom Valley and the planned performance at the Sultan’s Pool will take place as usual.

This coming Thursday, a performance by Yishai Ribo will take place in the Sultan’s Pool. The municipality recommends getting to these events via public transportation.

Public Transport:

Light Rail:

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, the light rail will work as a series.

On Friday, July 15, 2022, between the hours of 12: 00-08: 00 (estimated), there will be no train service between Givat Hamivtar station and Central Station. Therefore, the light rail will operate in a partial format from the Air Force Station to the Givat Hamivtar station in both directions.

Upon completion of the visit and receipt of police approval, the light rail will resume full service from the Air Force Station to the Central Station in both directions.

City buses:

There may be disruptions in schedules and bus routes. You can be updated on real-time changes at the Ministry of Transportation’s information center 8787 *

Israel Railways:

The train line from Jerusalem – Navon station will work as usual. On the occasion of the Maccabiah events and the visit of the President of the United States, the trains to and from Jerusalem will be intensified.

On the occasion of the opening of the Maccabiah, which will take place on Thursday, July 14, 2002, the Jerusalem Yitzhak Navon station will be reinforced with flight attendants, security guards and managers, and four special trains will be added to the regular trains, with an emphasis on reinforcing the Modiin – Jerusalem line.

And recommends that the public park their car at the outskirts of Modiin and from there board the train to Jerusalem. The organizers of the event will operate a free shuttle service from Jerusalem Yitzhak Navon station to Teddy Stadium and back.

More details about the schedules on the train website, in the widget and at the information center 5770 *

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