Ieo Milano, genetic test predicts relapses for lobular breast cancer

by time news

A genetic test that, from a simple blood sample, allows to predict the risk of relapse in patients with lobular breast tumors, forms that represent 10-20% of cases. It is called ‘LobularCard’ and is the new “exclusive” exam offered by the European Institute of Oncology (Ieo) in Milan. The test, explained by the IRCCS, allows “the analysis of 113 genes, compared to the 29 genes of the standard test, and obtains a reliable assessment of personal and family cancer risk”. The goal is “to ensure better oncological surveillance paths for each patient and to identify any relapses early for an ever greater chance of recovery, as well as to protect family members in the event of an increased risk of developing hereditary cancer”.

“Lobular tumors – underlines Giovanni Corso, scientific director of the research project, funded by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation – are often orphans of target therapy: that is, no molecular therapies aimed at the specific genetic mutations of these neoplasms are currently available. The world of research. oncologica therefore pays great attention to this type of tumor, in the shared belief that a better molecular characterization would lead to important advances in the personalization of the therapeutic management of patients. The LobularCard test is a step forward in this direction because it offers the study of the broadest panel of genes available internationally “.

The test also makes it possible to identify family members at risk

“The risk assessment, or stratification in technical terms – highlights a well-known Ieo – is fundamental for the patient because it allows to develop a more effective treatment path based on her individual risk of developing a relapse”. In fact, “lobular tumor presents, compared to other types, a slightly higher risk of recurring in the contralateral breast after some time from the first diagnosis. Stratification is also important for family members, to whom the test is extended in the event of the presence of mutations. hereditary, because they can choose to join a surveillance and prevention program “.

“LobularCard – declares Paolo Veronesi, director of the Ieo Breast Program and professor at the State University of Milan – is a milestone for the treatment of patients with lobular cancer not only because it identifies those at high risk of relapse, which immediately become ‘special observers ‘, but also because it opens up new fronts to find more effective drugs, targeting specific genes. This is why the patients tested are participating in a large research project, which plans to involve 1,000 women in 3 years. In fact, I believe we will close the I study much earlier, because a few weeks ago we started to perform the test and the requests from patients are already very numerous. A further confirmation that women believe in innovation and trust in research “.

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