9 European countries have announced that they will continue to support terrorist organizations. Chairman if you will: “Spitting in the face of the Jewish people”

by time news

Following the announcement by Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden of continued cooperation with the six terrorist organizations, Matan Peleg, chairman of the If You Will movement that exposes the activities of foreign subversion and propaganda organizations in Israel, said it was a spit in the face. Of the Jewish people.

Peleg: “Nine countries decided to spit in the face of the Jewish people. They decided to fund 6 terrorist organizations, one of which is the same organization from which the murderers of Rene Shenrav the 14th came out.

We did not expect Mr. Jürgen and Mr. Friedrich to fund legal protection for murderous terrorists who would have integrity, fairness or a drop of conscience. This is simply another stage in their war against the Jewish people in their country.

The real question is what will the State of Israel do in response and when will it draw a red line for the subversive funding that comes from Europe to organizations that work against the state? “.

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