Attack on Kahana: “Blocked right-wing government”

by time news

Benzi Robin, Knitted News13.07.22 10:52 14 Tammuz Tishpev

Attack on Kahana:

(Photo: Arie Leib Abrams / Flash 90)

After the statement this morning (Wednesday) by Deputy Minister of Religions Matan Kahana that “Smutrich does not in any way represent the people I know and represent”, and that he prevented the formation of a right-wing government, members of the Knesset of “Religious Zionism” did not remain obligated.

MK Simcha Rotman: “A whole year that the people of lies and deception are mocking us. ‘Where are the defectors? It was impossible to form a right-wing government! We are committed to preventing elections! ‘ And here the truth comes out. A right-wing government was within reach. Even a year ago, even 3 weeks ago. “

More on the same topic

Kahana: “Smutrich does not represent the people I know”


“The public will judge”

He said, “Those who dragged the State of Israel into the government of terrorist supporters, consciously and intentionally, were Shaked, Bennett and Kahana. The public will judge.”

Members of Religious Zionism (Photo: Olivia Fitoussi / Flash 90)

MK Orit Struck: “The abortion came out of the bag: We are going to the elections because of Matan Kahana. Who physically blocked a right-wing government. And left the country in the hands of Yair Lapid. “

MK Ophir Sofer also attacked: “The main thing is that you sat in a narrow government with RAAM and Meretz. A political ballet dancer.”

MK Michal Waldiger added: “Okay, pay attention – the thought evolution of Matan Kahana in the five election campaigns: right, right, right, right, right-left, left-right, left, left, left, left. Kahana has long since taken a sharp left turn! “

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