“Covid Law”: the National Assembly adopts the text without a health pass

by time news

On the night of July 12 to 13, the National Assembly adopted the “Covid law” bill (221 for, 187 against), after having cut it in half. Article 2 of the text, which provided for the possibility of reinstating the health pass at the borders, has been deleted in its entirety. A small victory for the new opposition, a big defeat for the government.

Read also: 13th draft “Covid law”: the government is staying the course in a headwind

No sanitary pass at the borders

The text can be summed up in two points: first, the extension of the SI-DEP and ContactCovid systems for the tracing of contaminations as well as the collection of medical information, then the discreet maintenance of the past at the discretion of the Prime Minister. The opposition deputies quickly gave voice, and went so far as to delete article 2 entirely. 219 votes against, 195 for.

On social networks, France insubordinate (main driving force of the opposition) and the National Rally – the Republicans sometimes – are acclaimed:

And while the opposition exults, the government enrages:

What the editorialist Matthew Croissandeau appointed “a Lalanization of minds” ensuring that “all the anti-vax and anti-passes were in heaven”others call it “democracy”.

Will the two rooms match?

The next step is the Senate. If Elisabeth Borne calls for a “spirit of responsibility”note that a group of seven senators has already signed a platform to call for the pure and simple deletion of the text as a whole.

Read also: A forum of senators calls for the removal of the “Covid law” bill

Over the past two years, the upper house has also shown a more outspoken – albeit measured – opposition to health measures, whether for reasons of protection of privacy or attacks on individual freedoms. . Last February, a report went so far as to mention a “gadget” vaccine pass. Two months later, elected officials were listening to victims of side effects from vaccination.

Finally, remember that on July 8, Le Figaro headlined “Resurgence of contamination: should we still be afraid of the Covid?” and raised one by one the subjects formerly reserved for “conspirators”. It may well be that today “the spirit of responsibility” that the Prime Minister is calling for has changed sides.

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