What is the definition of fruit? What is the difference between fruits and vegetables?

by time news

What is a fruit? What is the botanical definition of fruits and what is the difference between fruits and vegetables in the classification between them? There are several approaches to how fruit is defined versus vegetable. Are watermelon or cucumber fruits or vegetables? What then is Perry’s definition? How is the classification of fruits versus vegetables determined? The scientific explanation of how to define what is a fruit and what is a vegetable.

What is the definition of fruit? What is the difference between fruits and vegetables? Photo: Pixabay Devon Breen

In terms of botanical classification the difference between vegetables and fruits is determined by depending on the origin of the fruit or vegetable in the plant. Fruits are a product of flower development of the plant. Unlike a vegetable is defined as a vegetable if its development is from a non-development source of the flower. For example development of the vegetable formed from the leaves, stem or tuber of the plant and not development from the fruit. In addition, fruits contain seeds while vegetables contain roots, stem and leaves.

The difference between vegetables and fruits

Among the public, the distinction between vegetables and fruits is common according to the fact that fruits are sweet compared to non-sweet vegetables. But this is not the scientific definition and it is not sufficient – for example whether a carrot is a fruit or a vegetable in light of being sweet. There is a public distinction that fruits are a product of what grows on trees. Whereas vegetables are a product of what grows on the ground. This definition is also problematic because many of the fruits like watermelon or melon are grown on the ground and not on trees and are fruits.

The most accurate definition is the said botanical definition and it also refers to the part from which the fruit or vegetable develops. If it develops from a flower then it is a fruit. And all the rest are vegetables. In addition, if the product of the plant includes seeds or seeds, it is a fruit. By this definition pumpkin or cucumbers are fruits.

In light of this definition it is possible to distinguish certain fruits that are incorrectly considered as vegetables. The following is a list of fruits that are mistaken for vegetables:

  1. pumpkin
  2. pepper
  3. Avocado
  4. eggplant
  5. cucumber
  6. Squash
  7. bean

The definition of fruit versus vegetables

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