best futuristic attractions in the world, the best futuristic centers in the world! – best futuristic attractions in the world

by time news

The trend now is to travel to different places. Buildings designed for the future are now being built around the world. Futuristic centers will amaze us with its innovative attractions. Here are some places where you can experience some of the best futuristic attractions in the world that you must explore at least once in your life. If you are someone who likes to explore offbeat and futuristic places then these places will definitely excite you.

The Museum of Future, Dubai

The Museum of the Future is one of the most futuristic attractions in the world. Located in Dubai’s financial district, it is a showcase for futuristic ideas, services and products. The Arabic calligraphy outside this museum is amazing

China Art Museum, Shanghai

The China Art Museum in Shanghai is an amazing futuristic building. Stepping inside, you will feel some Star Wars movies. This art museum houses some of the finest works of art in the world. Fully embodying the culture of China, this beautiful building shines brightly at night with its colorful lighting system. So visiting the museum at night will be a good experience.

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Taipei 101, Taiwan

Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan is characterized by beautiful futuristic architecture. Opened in 2004, the building was officially recognized as the tallest building in the world until it was overtaken by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2009. Inspired by ancient Asian culture, this building is built in a modern style and is one of the tallest structures in the world.

Seoul 7017 Sky Garden, Seoul

Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is a hub with many interesting attractions for the future. But the Sky Garden here is one that surpasses all limits of wonder. Seoul 7017 is an elevated skypark garden built on top of a former highway overpass here. Around 24000 plants have been grown along this one kilometer path.

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Science World, Vancouver

One of the most innovative structures in the world is located in the Canadian port city of Vancouver. Vancouver has an amazing world called Science World. It is one of the most popular tourist spots in the city. Built in the geodesic dome style of architecture, the exterior lights of this building are a mesmerizing sight at night.

Garden by the Bay, Singapore

You will be amazed by this super futuristic attraction in Singapore. The Garden by the Bay is certainly one of the reasons why Singapore is at the forefront of technologically advanced cities in the world. The garden features man-made trees in a modern garden. At night, when these trees glow with thousands of colorful lights, it feels like we are in another world.

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