Yes, caregivers can work in nursing homes by being positive for Covid-19, but under certain conditions

by time news

Lack of nursing staff, heat wave and seventh wave of Covid-19: this is the dangerous cocktail that is looming in nursing homes and hospitals. A situation that scandalizes Let them prescribe, a group of doctors opposed in particular to compulsory vaccination and which calls for the reinstatement of unvaccinated staff.

On his Twitter account, he says he is overwhelmed by the testimonies “of caregivers” invited “to work in the hospital or in an EHPAD with positive tests” at Covid-19, in a message shared more than 1,000 times.


The office of Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities, confirms to us that the nursing staff who tested positive for Covid-19 can continue to work in the health and medico-social sector. This is therefore valid for hospitals, accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) or for establishments welcoming people with disabilities.

But certain conditions apply, set in the protocol updated in April 2022. Positive people must have a complete vaccination schedule and be asymptomatic. “Strict” respect for wearing a mask and barrier gestures is required. A derogation from the head of the establishment to isolation is necessary.

These conditions fulfilled, the caregivers “invited” to continue their professional activity must be voluntary, specifies the ministry: “It is not possible to force the staff to work. It is a question of “ensuring the essential activities of the establishment, that is to say in a situation where there would be tension at the level of the personnel to ensure the continuity of the service”, indicates the cabinet of the minister. .

“A glaring lack of staff”

Malika Belarbi, head of the Ehpad collective of the CGT Santé union, confirms this practice in establishments where there are not enough staff. Apart from this derogation, professionals positive for Covid-19 are at a standstill. “There is a crying lack of caregivers, she laments. Many have left the profession. The establishments manage their planning more than the Covid-19 to ensure at least the care, ”she underlines.

An nursing home in Seine-et-Marne tells us that “when this scenario arises [un membre du personnel positif], the barrier measures are reinforced in accordance with the protocol in force”. Malika Belarbi adds that this recourse is not necessarily perceived as volunteering by caregivers, contrary to what the ministry indicates. Some may feel “indirectly imposed” to continue to exercise their professional activity in the face of a “disaster” situation.

The trade unionist also regrets that the prevention of Covid-19, via staff screening, is “insufficient” to detect all cases. In the Hauts-de-Seine, where she works in different Ehpad, “tests are done when a symptom is noted, but we are not systematically checked”, she indicates, also pointing to the high turnover of temporary caregivers. And with the heat wave setting in again, she hopes there will be enough caregivers to keep residents hydrated.

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