Women’s Euro 2022: against Belgium, the Blue want to take the quarter

by time news

The decor is the same. Only the Belgian flag replaced that of Italy. For the rest, the Bleues will not be out of place when they return to the perfect lawn of New York Stadium in Rotherham, this Thursday, to face Belgium (9 p.m., TF 1, Canal +). After their initial success (5-1), the players of Corinne Deacon can from this second meeting validate their ticket for the quarter-final. The match against Iceland on Monday would only serve to consolidate first place in the group which would lead Les Bleues to return to Rotherham for the fourth time on Saturday 23 July.

Since the hat-trick from Grace Geyoro and the goals from Katoto and Cascarino, the French have applied themselves to calming the enthusiasm and expectations generated by their performance. England’s 8-0 success against Norway or Germany’s victory against Spain also reminded us that the road to the title will be long and difficult. And we must not forget that without the initial parade of Pauline Peyraud-Magnin, Italy could have led to the score.

Belgians in outsider mode

Despite everything, it was enough to attend the Belgians’ pre-match conference this Wednesday to measure the effect generated by the formidable first of Les Bleues. “So what’s the plan?” “, he was thus asked from the outset to Ives Serneels, the coach. He made no secret of the fact that France was “a favorite for the final victory”. But, he adds about his team, 19th nation in the world: “Before the draw, we already knew that we would have to play at least one match against an exceptional team like France. »

Is he afraid of a French woman in particular? “Fear is not the right word,” he says. But we must have respect for each player because they are all professionals with enormous qualities. They come from Lyon, PSG and other big teams. It’s up to us to be ready from the first minute. »

After their inaugural draw against Iceland (1-1), the Belgians intend to show their progress in recent years. The Flammes Rouges striker, Janice Cayman, smiled at the mention of her reunion with her friends from OL after the slap inflicted on Italy. “I hope it won’t happen to us tomorrow!” she launched. This time, she won’t wish Wendie Renard a good match. But she slips in a nice compliment: “If I had to choose a French player, it would be her. Because she’s very strong, she’s the captain and she shows everything you need to be to be a top professional player. »

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