PAHO calls on countries to work together to meet vaccine demand

by time news

With the Omicron subfamilies BA.4 and BA.5 causing a new wave of Covid-19 infections in the Pan American region and monkeypox cases continuing to rise, the director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), said: Carissa F. Etienne, called on the countries to work together to meet the growing demand for vaccines, medicines and other health equipment in the region.

The appearance of the Omicron sublines is “another reminder that the virus continues to evolve each time it is transmitted, and that we must remain vigilant,” the director said at her weekly press conference on Thursday.

“Production capacity will continue to be much needed in our region to help fight Covid-19 and other pathogens. There are likely to be outbreaks of other diseases that require us to rapidly develop and deploy new vaccines, diagnostics and drugs,” she added.

dr. Etienne stressed that at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the region was struggling to meet growing demand for pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and personal protective equipment, with many countries relying on imports to protect their populations. When the Covid-19 vaccines were first rolled out, countries also scrambled to their feet “to secure supplies”.

“We need to be better prepared for the future”

“We need to be better prepared for the future,” said the director, who a three-step plan announced it will work with countries and international donors to strengthen regional capacities for vaccine and medical device production.

The first phase will focus on efforts to strengthen research and development in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially in the field of mRNA vaccine development.

Launched last year, the Regional Platform to Promote the Manufacturing of Covid-19 Vaccines and Other Health Technologies aims to train and support local businesses in the application of mRNA vaccine technology. So far, Sinergium Biotech from Argentina and the Institute of Immunobiology Bio-Manguinhos from Brazil are participating in this initiative.

The second phase focuses on developing a strong regional regulatory system to ensure that new medical devices are safe and effective.

In front of the third phase PAHO is working with regional and international partners on a joint roadmap to improve the production of health technology in the region, including partnerships with the European Union to strengthen the region’s capacity for the development of medical products.

“All of these efforts together have the potential to change the way our region develops and produces health products, especially highly advanced tools such as vaccines,” said the director.

dr. However, Etienne also warned that improving production capacity alone “isn’t enough to guarantee access,” and that PAHO’s pooled purchasing mechanisms, such as the Revolving Fund, will be essential to ensure that vaccines and other health technologies are available to all. are available in the region.

The Revolving Fund demonstrates the “impact we can have when we leverage our history of solidarity and cooperation,” said the director. With that same spirit, we can build our region’s medical manufacturing capacity to “save and protect even more lives.”

Covid situation in region

As for the Covid-19 situation in the region, countries reported about 1.6 million cases and 4,800 deaths last week – a drop of 0.9% and 3.5% respectively.

Central America reported an increase in the number of cases – by 54.9%, and South America reported a 2% increase.

In the Caribbean, the number of cases fell by 5.2%, and in North America it fell by 4.5%.

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