After the interview with Emmanuel Macron, during July 14, the opposition parties criticize the method and the reforms announced

by time news

He did not have to say another word to trigger the ire of the opposition. While Emmanuel Macron returned, Thursday, July 14, during his first long television interview since his re-election, on the reforms he wishes to launch in the coming months, the right, the left and the far right were unanimous in their reviews.

Read also: The main points of Emmanuel Macron’s interview for July 14: pension reforms, reduction of energy consumption and “sobriety” plan from this summer

“No, Emmanuel Macron, the vote of the national representation is never a “night heat stroke”, it is the voice of the French in their diversity “, replied Olivier Marleix, the president of the group of Republicans (LR) in the National Assembly on Twittertaking up the words of the Head of State on the rejection by the opposition parties, Tuesday evening, of article 2 of the health bill aimed at the reintroduction of the health pass at the borders.

While, during his interview, Mr. Macron also felt that“there is a majority against the government only with [un] baroque hitch » within the Hemicycle of the opposition forces, the right-wing deputy replied to him: “Learn to hear it, learn this ‘respect for everyone’ to which you invite. This is the condition of success for France. »

In a statement, Senator LR Bruno Retailleau judged Emmanuel Macron “disloyal to the French”, car « il [a] spent his interview twisting the truth to hide his failures”. “To succeed, Macron 2 must imperatively take stock of Macron 1. The President of the Republic cannot remain stuck in his first five-year term”he said.

Read also: The main points of Emmanuel Macron’s interview for July 14: pension reforms, reduction of energy consumption and “sobriety” plan from this summer

“Where is the promised new method? asks Boris Vallaud

On the left, the criticisms are no less virulent and hinge as much on the form and method as on the substance of the reforms announced by the Head of State. For Olivier Fauredeputy of Nupes and first secretary of the Socialist Party, the « cap » by Emmanuel Macron ” is clear ” et “his outstretched hand does not concern” the left, because of its positions on the ” wages, [de l’]unemployment insurance, [des] pensions, [de l’]uberization of work, [ainsi que de la] superprofits tax.

The president of the group of socialist deputies Boris Vallaud also considered that this interview sounded like “a broken record or an admission of failure” from the Head of State. He also lamented Mr. Macron’s expression on the defeat of the presidential camp regarding the health bill. “The National Assembly faults Emmanuel Macron on his bill… and he calls it a “night heat stroke”. Where is the promised new method? »asks the deputy of the Landes.

“Great feat of Emmanuel Macron able to talk about the difficulties of recruitment in jobs in tension without saying a word about the obligation to increase wages and improve poor working conditions”, mocked, as for him, the deputy Julien Bayou, national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens. Fabien Roussel, deputy and national secretary of the French Communist Party, answered on this aspect: “ Macron still chooses to work MORE, paid with a slingshot. We prefer to work it ALL and better paid! »

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Emmanuel Macron will “never change”, says Laurent Jacobelli

At the microphone of BFM-TV, the “rebellious” deputy Alexis Corbière, for his part, denounced: “ On pensions, he stays the course, despite the fact that he does not have a majority in the Assembly. » Refuting any alliance between the deputies of the Nupes intergroup and those of the National Rally (RN) on the health bill, he also reacted to the expression “baroque hitch” used by the President of the Republic to designate the opposition: “It is you who are baroque, Mr. Macron, not to hear what took place during the legislative elections. »

On the far right, Laurent Jacobelli, RN deputy, guest of BFM-TV, argued that “Those who thought Emmanuel Macron could change were wrong”. « He is obtuse, stubborn, he will never change. He continues his desire for social destruction, with the reform of unemployment benefits and the reform of pensions, and an austerity policy, ” he said, before adding: “He is a president of the Republic above ground who has understood nothing. » Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, deputy and president of Debout la France, also denounced a “Totally surreal interview with a talkative and overwhelmed Emmanuel Macron”.

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