Felipe VI: “The pandemic wrote a sad point and aside for many citizens”

by time news


The highest authorities of the State, headed by King Felipe VI, wanted to remember in a tribute to the more than 100,000 deadin Spain because of the Covid

King Felipe VI in tribute.JUANJO MARTINEFE
  • 2021 King Felipe asks for responsibility in the tribute to the victims of covid: “No one should remain indifferent”

The Plaza de la Armera of the Royal Palace of Madrid has once again hosted, for the third consecutive year, the tribute ceremony for the victims of the coronavirus. A meeting in which the highest authorities of the State, headed by King Felipe VI, wanted to remind the more than 100,000 dead in Spain for this disease and those who were on the front line in the pandemic.

Felipe VI has described this act as “the tribute felt and excited of a Nation that will never forget the victims of the pandemic”. In addition, he recalled what he experienced at the beginning of the pandemic, when “the deepest uncertainty and unpredictable came into everyone’s life”. The Monarch has affirmed that then “the whole world stopped its pace to attend to something that was expanding very quickly and that, despite all efforts, left behind sickness, loneliness and pain“.

“We feel together the fearthe frustracin and the sadness“, the King has confessed. “Although also solidarity, admiration and gratitude for all the people who attended to the basic and urgent needs of others”, he has clarified. Don Felipe has insisted that “nothing can fix the pain” and that “the pandemic wrote a sad point and aside for many citizens.”

After these words in which the King paid tribute to the victims and recalled the worst part of the pandemic, Don Felipe adopted a more optimistic tone: “We Spaniards have assumed responsibility for the vaccination with solidarity and that is why today more than 90% of the population is vaccinated”. Precisely he has opined that the vaccines that “have become one of the events important in the history of universal health”.

“Investment in science, international cooperation, care for the elderly, citizen solidarity or the strength of health systems” were the needs that, in the words of the King, the pandemic revealed as something “unpostponable”.

“Always we will preserve as a legacy those difficult times and those who are not with us today”, said the King. “We will honor the generosity and the valentine’s day of those who risked their lives to save the lives of others”, he continued. Finally, Felipe VI stated that “Spain is a fair and caring country”.

Grand Cross of Civil Merit

The act was attended by the entire Government, the presidents of Congress and the Senate and politicians from different parties. Alberto Nez Feijo has been as leader of the opposition, as well as Ana Pastor or Surez Illana of the Popular Party. Enrique Santiago, of the Communist Party and Unai Sordo, general secretary of the Workers’ Commissions. There were also the socialists Javier Lambn, president of Aragon; Francina Armengol, from the Balearic Islands and Adrin Barbon, from the Principality of Asturias. There was no VOX representative, claiming that they are not going to “normalize executive management.” lambon

I wasn’t either Isabel Diaz Ayuso, president of the Community of Madrid, on a trip to Venice. In her place was Enrique Ruiz Escudero, Health Minister of the Community. Also José Luis Martínez-Almeida, Mayor of Madrid.

The presence of regional presidents has dwindled with each edition of this tribute. If in 2020 they were all -even President Torra-, this year the president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernndez Maueco, has attended; the one from Castilla La Mancha, Emiliano García Page; the one from Andalusia, Juanma Moreno; that of Extremadura Fernndez Vara.

Before the words of the King, Agustin Portela, Head of Biotechnology and Products at the AEMPS; and Sandra Gallina, DG for Health and Food Safety (European Commission), spoke about the values ​​of science and research.

In addition, Felipe VI has delivered 4 of the 37 Civil Order Merit crosses that are imposed this Friday on relatives of deceased professionals.

To end the act, Alice Wonder has interpreted the theme of Antonio Vega on the piano Titans fights.

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