Draghi’s resignation | The keys to the political storm in Italy, and a saying: “Whoever brings down a government, he pays for it at the polls”

by time news

Mario Draghi It is not political to use. He is turning 75 and has held many positions of power, including director of the European Central Bank. There are those who call him ‘Super Mario’ because they believe that saved in the euro with a single phrase: “I will do what it takes and, believe me, it will be enough.” He doesn’t get a prime minister’s salary, because he gave it up. He is a millionaire: “he owns 12 houses”, the analyst and author of several books on Italian politics, Pablo Martín de Santa Olalla, stresses to El Periódico de España. “You must have thought: I don’t need this. And he has submitted his resignation for personal consistency. A few weeks ago he said that if the problems of understanding with the 5-Star Movement (M5E) continued, he would leave the Government”. Now, perhaps he is thinking about a next step: being president of the Republic.

Draghi has gone to present his resignation to the current head of state, Sergio Mattarella. But this he has not accepted it. He has asked you to go to Parliament next Wednesday to explain his intention to leave office. Until then it will not be effective.

Now there are several options on the table. The first could be called the ‘Draghi 2 solution’. That between now and Parliament, Mattarella convince him to stay until the next election, and to try an alternative government formula. Very complicated months of inflation, energy crisis are coming and budgets have to be drawn up. Italy cannot afford too much political turmoil.

Reshuffle or reshuffle

Draghi holds the option to make a total remodeling of the Government, a “rimpasto”; or a partial or “rimpastino”. The most likely would be the departure of the fractious ministers of the M5E. This was the majority party in Parliament until a split on June 22: one of his ministers, Luigi di Maio, has decided to set up his own movement.

Another option on the table is that there be early elections. Actually next year they had to be produced anyway. And precisely therein lies one of the political keys to what happened. The parties are repositioning and preparing.

For the M5E, headed by Giuseppe Conte, the electoral perspectives are not very promising. And worse than they can be. In Italy there is a saying, points out Martín de Santa Olalla: “Whoever brings down a government pays for it at the polls”.

Surveys say since September 2018 that there is a clear centre-right majority.

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