From the bath to the sunscreen, a vademecum for the safe holidays of children

by time news

From what age can children swim in the sea? What sunscreen to choose? What are heat diseases? What precautions should you have in the mountains? Can air conditioning also be used with babies? There are many doubts, uncertainties and fears on the part of parents, especially if they are a beginner, in time of holidays. For them, the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Sip) has developed a vademecum on what it is good to know and do to live the summer in peace with the little ones. To treat him Elena Scarpato, Elena Bozzola, Antonella Di Stefano, pediatricians of the Board of Directors of Sip.

Here are the answers to the 16 most frequently asked questions from mothers and fathers regarding the summer of the little ones.

1) From what age can children be brought to the sea? Even very young children can go to the beach, the important thing is to pay attention to the times: until 9.30-10 in the morning and after 16.30 in the afternoon, always taking into account the outside temperatures. Infants under 6 months of age should never be exposed to the sun and should not stay too long under an umbrella, as its shadow gives a false sense of security. In reality, in fact, it is not able to filter ultraviolet rays, also considering that the sand reflects the sun’s rays and can facilitate the onset of burns. Warning: in newborns, sunburn and burns increase the risk of developing malignant tumors in adulthood.

2) From what age can you swim in the sea? If it is assumed that the bath must be fun, it would be better to wait until the baby is at least 6 months old, that is, that he has reached an age where he can appreciate it. Much depends on the individual child, however. It must also be remembered that children have different thermoregulation from adults, so it is important to pay attention to the temperature of the water. In addition, after bathing, the baby should be rinsed with fresh water and dried thoroughly because both salt water and moist skin in contact with sand can facilitate skin irritation.

3) How long after eating can you take a bath? There is no scientific rule that indicates how many hours to wait after a meal, also because digestion occurs differently depending on the food. If the child has eaten a very large meal consisting of fried foods, very fatty foods, sauces and dips, or dishes that require a long and laborious digestion, it may make sense to wait for the famous 3 hours. If, on the other hand, the child has eaten, as it should be, a plate of pasta seasoned with oil and tomato and perhaps a little fish or a slice of meat, he can certainly enter the water immediately after lunch. The very important thing, however, is to immerse yourself in the water gradually, first wetting the ankles, the wrists, then the stomach and then the temples. In other words, thermal shocks must be avoided. The baby should not bathe when hot and sweaty.

4) How long can the bath last? There are three signs to watch out for when it’s time to get out of the water: chills, wrinkled skin on your fingers, and bluish lips. To say enough, it must be sufficient that the child is not at ease.

5) What is the most suitable sunscreen for children? Creams are not recommended for children under 6 months of age as the skin is very thin and delicate, therefore more permeable to any chemicals present in the protections. Furthermore, the creams alter the baby’s thermoregulation and therefore its ability to dissipate heat. After 6 months of life, however, the use of sunscreen is mandatory. In children between 6 months and 3 years, those with a protection factor of at least 50+ and physical filters that do not penetrate the skin and are not associated, therefore, with the assimilation of substances that could have side effects for a long time are preferred. term. After 3 years, those with a protection factor of 30+ can be used. However, we must always consider the phototype of the child: the clearer it is, the better it is to use high protection. It should also be remembered that the cream should be applied already 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every 2 hours. Even in the case of ‘water resistant’ protections, it is good to re-spread the cream after taking a bath because when you rub the baby with the towel you take away most of the protective cream.

6) Is it okay for the child to wear a hat and t-shirt? When the child plays on the beach it is a good idea to make him wear a hat, as long as it is very light, preferably made of punctured straw. Otherwise it can retain heat with the risk of overheating the head. A cotton t-shirt can be useful because it reduces the risk of sunburn, but it is not enough: the protective sunscreen must still be applied to the skin.

7) What are they and how to avoid heat diseases? Intense heat, associated with other worsening factors (humidity, closed places, poor ventilation, thick clothing), can cause heat diseases such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heat stroke, especially in children. To avoid them it is important to: educate children to always drink much before and during physical activity practiced in the summer season and when they are exposed to the sun for a long time, even if they are not thirsty; to wear loose, light-colored clothes and light hats on very hot days; use protective sun creams and frequently wet the head and neck with fresh water if exposed to heat for a long time; on hot or humid days, limit physical activity outdoors during the hottest hours; educate children to go to cool places out of the sun, and rest and hydrate immediately whenever they feel overheated.

8) What happens if the child drinks sea water or ingests sand? Sea water is toxic to the body due to its high salt content. In addition, if the sea is polluted, it may contain infectious agents that can cause various problems, first of all a form of gastroenteritis whose typical symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, in the presence of which you must promptly contact a pediatrician. It is obvious, however, that a small amount of ingested salt water cannot cause particular damage. It is advisable, however, when it happens, to give the child fresh water, which is useful for eliminating the amount of salt contained in the sea water taken. The same goes for sand: the risks of ingesting it may be linked to the presence of foreign bodies or to the fact that it may contain germs and bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal infections. However, small amounts of sand are usually not associated with major problems.

9) What to choose for nutrition? It is important to drink lots of water and avoid carbonated drinks. This is, in fact, the first rule to avoid the onset of dehydration and heat stroke, especially in younger children who are most at risk when they are in hot areas, even more so if in a humid climate. If the child does not like water, from the age of 3, home-brewed tea can be given. It is also important to feed seasonal fruit every day. At lunch, especially on the beach, prefer unique and light dishes, which can support the child in daily activities without weighing him down excessively. Yes to ice cream, but not every day. Those with creams should not be consumed more than 2-3 times a week. The advice is to alternate them with popsicles and fruit sorbets.

10) Holidays in the mountains, what altitudes can you reach? With infants it is better not to exceed 1,500 meters, remaining within 2,000 meters until they are one year old. With the boys, you can even reach 3,000 meters. It is good to remember that at a moderate altitude (between 1,600 and 2,000 meters) there are climatic and environmental conditions that help those suffering from asthma to breathe better. After 1,600 meters then the pollens decrease, both in duration and quantity, and therefore those who are allergic benefit from it.

11) Can air conditioning be used in the house or in the car even in the presence of babies? Absolutely yes, the important thing is to keep a constant temperature around 24-25 degrees and use the dehumidifier. The temperature must be kept constant in all environments because it is the passage from one room to another that could possibly annoy the child. Same thing goes for the car: temperature around 24-25 degrees keeping the window a little open to prevent the passenger compartment from becoming too cold.

12) How to avoid earache when traveling by plane? The pressure variations inside the aircraft cabin can lead to barotrauma, with the appearance of ear pain and tinnitus, which can be reduced by swallowing so as to open the Eustachian tube. For infants and young children, these effects can be minimized by giving them food or water with a bottle or pacifier. Older children can be given a candy or a lollipop. If the pain is persistent in the school-aged child, the Valsava maneuver can be practiced: deep inhalation followed by an exhalation lasting about 10 seconds, holding the nose with the fingers and with the mouth closed.

13) What about car sickness? In the case of small children, it is best to use the hours in which the child sleeps to travel. It is important not to give the small tablet or mobile phones, as is commonly done to distract them, because looking at the screens inside the car can increase the discomfort due to a greater stimulation of the vestibular apparatus. Instead, the child should be involved in games that make him look out of the car.

14) How to prevent a newborn from being bitten by mosquitoes? Sunrise and sunset are the moments of greatest movement of mosquitoes. To prevent infants from being stung, mosquito nets to be placed over the pram can be used. For older children, on the other hand, natural remedies based on lemongrass, for example, are fine. It is important, however, to do prevention and therefore, for example, to remove the water that stagnates in the saucers. In the event of a sting, then apply something fresh, such as ice, and not lemon, as is commonly thought, which could cause skin inflammation.

15) Is summer the best time to take the diaper off? The so-called ‘spannolinare’ must be a path that must be lived serenely and not a race. Babies are usually ready to take nappies between the ages of 2 and 3, but some need a few more months and it’s important not to force them. So the spannolinare does not necessarily have to take place in the summer. Once the diaper has been removed it is important, if you are on the beach, not to place the baby sitting naked on the sand for too long to avoid skin irritation. The best solution might be to spread out a towel and put the baby to play there, so that he stays cool and safe.

16) Is it possible to have vaccines in the summer or is it better to wait until the end of the holidays? It is important to have the vaccines according to the established schedule and not to postpone until September. After having the vaccine, the child does not have to stay indoors and it is not certain that he will automatically get a fever. It is important and recommended to vaccinate without worrying that the holidays may be ruined.

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