Can I have problems with the SAT for paying the cards with cash?

by time news

Las Credit cards they are a tool that will allow us to have a credit history favorable, as long as we know how to manage them correctly, making our payments on time.

By making our payments greater than the minimum on time, we will be saving a lot of money in commissions and extra charges that over time could lengthen our debts considerably.

However, when we talk about paying our credit cards, there are many options, since we can do it directly at the bank window, at smart ATMs or through mobile banking using Wire transfers or cash.

Although if you are about to pay your card using cash, you should think twice, as this could cause problems with the Tax Administration Service (SAT).

Photo: Pixabay

The reason for this is that by doing so you could be falling into a fiscal discrepancy, which according to article 19 of the Income Tax Law (LISR) is when the expenses of natural or legal persons exceed their declared income, or those that correspond to declare.

For this reason, although the money you use to pay for your card, if it has been declared and you have even paid taxes on it, for the SAT It could be difficult to trace the origin of the cash, which would make him believe that you have more income than you claim.

Or put another way, if you withdraw from your payroll account, for example, 5,000 pesos and use 2,000 to settle your credit card payment, the SAT will have no way of knowing that you have already paid for those 2,000 pesos. taxes.

To avoid this problem, we recommend that you always pay your credit cards by means of electronic transfers, either from your bank’s app or through internet banking.

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