A NASA engineer told Al-Shorouk: The James Webb Telescope was exposed to a problem that led to cracks in it, and the images he presented are a great achievement.

by time news

Ilham Abdulaziz

Posted on: Saturday, July 16, 2022 – 11:08 AM | Last update: Saturday, July 16, 2022 – 11:08 AM

The American Space Agency (NASA) continues to publish images that reveal more secrets about the origin of the universe and its first development through high-resolution and infrared images, and the amazing picture shows parts of the universe that humans have not seen before, and shows 5 galaxies, 4 of which interact or collide. Together, as if they were dancing, by the James Webb Observatory, its newest and most advanced telescope in the world.

In this regard, “Al-Shorouk” contacted the engineer at NASA, Louay Al-Bassiouni, to learn more details about the “James Webb” telescope and the importance of the published images.

At the beginning of his conversation with Al-Shorouk, Al-Bassiouni said that the scientific importance of the images published by NASA is very great, as once the reflection rays are studied in the areas where there is water, the presence of water is determined, including finding out about the existence of similar life. for planet Earth, as well as estimating the age of the universe.

He added: “In addition, all of these things help in the science of physics, as all chemical elements make up the universe, for example, if we look to the farthest point in the universe that (James Webb) can see, we see stars composed entirely of hydrogen, which is one of the first elements. that formed the stars, and also by defining the image clearly and the vibrations of light, we can know many things, such as finding the existence of elements that we do not know anything about.”

He pointed out that the images sent by “James Webb” are more clear than their predecessors, and the depth of the images helps to know and determine their location, and here the difference between the James Webb and Hubble telescopes, which is located in 3 points, the first of which is the difference in size. The James Webb telescope mirror is several times the Hubble mirror, which helps to collect a larger proportion of the light, as well as the part that collects the image, as the light field of James Webb is approximately 10 nanometers up to 10 cm, and therefore He sees different lights, and he helps to spot and see things that Hubble can’t.

And he added: The third difference is the location, as the James Webb telescope is located in the Lagrange region, which has the advantage that it prevents sunlight from reaching the telescope, so it is not disturbed. As for the “Hubble” telescope, there was a problem, which is that some of the images are not clear and this is the effect of light on it, and “James Webb” has the ability to make three-dimensional images; Because it receives light rays from different sides, unlike “Hubble”, whose location changes; So it can take months to be able to reshoot the image from the same place, and James Webb is in a fixed area, so he can take more accurate pictures.

He continued: Through the “James Webb” telescope, scientists have reached the presence of water molecules or water vapor close to one of the planets and on one of the distant stars. This telescope will give a lot of information or data in astronomy, including what will be studied and what will correct many things, Including the estimator of the age of the universe, which is currently estimated at about 13.8 billion years, and by measuring the distances between stars in a more accurate way, to know how the expansion and expansion of stars and space, and from this difference between one extension and another, scientists are able to know the speed of expansion and estimate the age of the universe.

He added: The “James Web” project is a very old idea, estimated at 25 or 30 years, and at the same time the project took more than 20 years, was delayed several times, and its budget was returned several times, and it was less than a billion dollars, until the cost reached His final $10 billion.

He pointed out that “what (James Webb) has done is a wonderful achievement, as we know that everything that is implemented in space has a small chance of success.” It is very invisible to the naked eye, and it collided with it in the last month or two – I don’t remember the exact day – and it broke part of the telescope, which caused cracks in it.”

He continued: “The purpose of this speech is to clarify that projects in space are dangerous, as they are subject to destruction, so at any moment the project can be destroyed and the project ends. It is a very great achievement, because through this information that has arrived we can reach many other things.”

He pointed out, “In the future, it is possible that scientists change the telescope’s orientation to look at certain planets and stars, which gives us more accuracy than the planets in this star. So far, the possibility of water on it, and it is the closest planet similar to Earth, and I think that humans can reach it because it is about 100 light-years away from Earth.”

He continued: “The pictures were very clear, but it is possible that our view of them will change in the future. The comments may have been placed on the image inaccurately, and it is more like looking at a lens or a screen with distortion. There are chances that looking at this image will be changed in The future,” he continued, adding: “Scientists can measure the distances between one star and another and how it extends, including determining the change in the age of the universe, and other things can be studied.”

He said: “(James Webb) can see up to 13 billion years, which is almost the beginning of the universe. The distance that the telescope reaches is very far, and at the same time in every image we see the greatness of the Creator Almighty, as well as I expect many other things to happen during the year The next 10 years. Theories of seeing and studying the universe, star formation and black hole may change, and we will continue to advance in science and learn more.”

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