The European House – Ambrosetti strengthens with Daniel John Winteler

by time news

The European House – Ambrosetti strengthens with Daniel John Winteler

From 1 October 2021 Daniel John Winteler takes on the position of Managing Director of The European House Ambrosetti SpA for Extraordinary Operations and Business Development.

This is a further step in the strengthening of the strategic advisory and extraordinary finance capacity which is added to the operation carried out shortly before the summer by integrating the business of KON, one of the three Italian leaders in medium / small corporate finance.

Graduated in Business Administration from the L. Bocconi University, with subsequent specialization at the London Business School, he has conducted his entire managerial career in important international groups, in Italy and abroad. After the years spent in Switzerland, where he was one of the protagonists of the Ciba-Sandoz merger that gave rise to Novartis, he returned to Italy in 2000 and was CEO of several groups including IFIL spa (now Exor ), Alpitour Group, Miroglio, as well as having played an institutional role as President of Federturismo Confindustria; he has been a director of numerous companies, including FIAT, Club Med, La Rinascente, Juventus.

Daniel is also lecturer of the “Advanced Management Practices” course at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Turin.

His long and brilliant professional history has embraced numerous sectors: from Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, to Finance, from the world of Tourism and Hospitality to the Textile and Fashion sector, passing through Distribution and Manufacturing.

With its entry into The European House – Ambrosetti, Daniel brings strong expertise in strategic leadership having led significant extraordinary operations both in Italy and abroad: mergers and acquisitions, corporate relaunches, international developments and corporate and operational restructuring.

“I am very happy to join this team, having followed the development and the extraordinary results and awards of the Group over the years, with which I have already had the opportunity to collaborate. I thank Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner & CEO and all the Partners for their welcome and I am ready to make my contribution to the new initiatives and further development of the Group in Italy and at

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