The malfunction of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp

by time news – Hundreds of thousands of users are reporting malfunctions of Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram applications. According to the website, the first reports from users around the world began at 5.50 pm. Currently both the applications and the web version of the platforms are not reachable.

Downdetector is a site that tracks service outages of the most popular social applications and telcos. Since the start of the downtime, about 200,000 reports have arrived, but the users affected could be many more.

On Twitter, the only one of the most popular social networks active at the moment, there are hundreds of thousands of messages that tell the problems of accessing applications, with the usual invasion of ‘memes’ that joke about the new stop of Facebook and sisters.

And it is on Twitter, a social rival, that the three companies owned by Mark Zuckerberg are updating their users: “We are aware that at the moment some people are having problems with Whatsapp. We are working on getting things back to normal and will be posting an update here as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience, ”wrote the messaging app on his profile.

Shortly afterwards, Instagram also gives a message to the social network: “Instagram and its friends are going through a somewhat complicated moment and you may have problems using them. Have patience, here we are “.

Meanwhile, the first comments arrive, with the Consumerism association talking about “Caporetto” for social media and serious disservices “because it affects three platforms widely used in Italy, involving a large audience of users, and because today, with increasingly widespread smartworking , social media and messaging services have effectively become work tools “.


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