Be on time.. The moon is associated with Jupiter on Tuesday in a phenomenon seen with the naked eye

by time news

And Dr. Ashraf Tadros, professor of astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research, revealed that we will be on a date next Tuesday, July 19, with the conjunction of the moon and Jupiter.

The moon is paired with Jupiter on this day, as we see them next to each other in the sky when they rise at 11:00 pm and they remain in the sky until the next morning.

The summer triangle made up of the three shining stars: Al Tayer (Flying Eagle) – Vega (Veagle) – Deneb (Hen’s Tail) continues to appear throughout the month of July at nightfall and until dawn.

The five planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn) continue to appear at dawn before sunrise, but Mercury will leave the scene after the first week of July, with the four planets continuing to appear at dawn until the end of the month.

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