Guidelines to follow to travel safely with your pet this summer

by time news

As a general rule, any change of environment means that they leave their comfort zone and this can generate fear and anxiety.

For most families, their dogs or cats are one more, that’s why they even accompany them on summer vacations in the car. Although caution must be taken because any change in environment means that they leave their comfort zone and this can generate fear and anxiety, causing an uncomfortable and stressful situation that can make them show previously unexperienced behaviors.

For this reason, we must take into account a series of keys so that car trips with our pets are a success. First, promote exercise before of the trip leaves them tired and, in addition, helps them release endorphins that will allow them to better manage possible episodes of stress. “During the trips, it is about minimizing the possible stress situations that these displacements generate and for this we must remain calm and change their focus of attention to something that distracts and pleases them, avoiding reprimanding them for their behavior since they are defending themselves. of something new. With cats, it is useful to cover the carrier while we move it through places with a lot of activity so that they do not see too many threatening stimuli, “he says. Lucia Santo Tomasresponsible for Training and Technical Communication at Dingonatura.

You will also have to choose the appropriate retention system. In the case of small animals, the use of a carrier is recommended, which must be placed at the foot of the rear seats, and if they are larger, a harness is more convenient, which must be attached to the seat belt of the rear seats. «The carrier should not be perceived as a place where they do not want to be; we have to teach them that it can be a quiet and protected space and for this it is essential that we get them used to it from a young age, letting them come and go as they please, play hiding things, letting them sleep inside, as well as taking them for short car rides, “ Saint Thomas stands out.

The recommended temperature is between 21 and 24 degrees inside the vehicle. Also ventilate the car from time to time to avoid odors and balance the pressure. Similarly, you have to let our pets out when stops are made. On journeys of more than five hours it is advisable to let the cats out of the carrier, always with the vehicle closed or if it is outside, on a leash, so that they can move and drink water if they wish. “The stops along the way are ideal for dogs because we can give them a little fresh water and a small prize,” adds Santo Tomás.

Also, avoid leaving them unattended inside the vehicle. In the event that it is unavoidable due to traveling alone, it is essential to leave the car in the shade and not exceed five minutes of absence since it is easy for them to suffer heat stroke because with extreme temperatures outside these are aggravated inside the parked car. .

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