The excellences of the 43rd Ischia International Journalism Award

by time news

NoonJuly 2, 2022 – 09:16 am

Acknowledgments to Lucio Caracciolo, Lorenzo Cremonesi (Lifetime Achievement), Elena Testi and Anna Zafesova

from Bath Fund

The excellence of journalism is back on the green island with the 43rd Ischia International Journalism Award. After the first day of meetings and debates, tonight at 9.30 pm the gala with the awards ceremony in the De Felice square of the port of Casamicciola, finally live with the public, after two pandemic years.

Lorenzo Cremonesi

The Ischia International Journalism Award will be awarded to the founder and director of the magazine «Limes» Lucio Caracciolo, while Anna Zafesova of «La Stampa» will receive another prestigious award of the event, the one for the press section. Lorenzo Cremonesi from Corriere della Sera will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award and Elena Testi from La7 will receive recognition for TV, while Rai Sport director Alessandra De Stefano will win for the sports journalism section. Special awards will be given by the Ischia Prize Foundation to TG5 for its 30th anniversary, to the monthly «Ciak» and to «Il Mattino» for the 130th anniversary.

Also this year, the prizes were awarded thanks to the work of the usual prestigious jury, chaired by Giulio Anselmi and formed by the director of the Corriere della Sera Luciano Fontana and the director of the Corriere del Mezzogiorno Enzo d’Errico with Andrea Abodi, Lucia Annunziata, Luigi Contu, Alessandro Barbano, Giuseppe De Bellis, Alessandra Galloni, winner of the International Award last year and new juror, Giovanni Grasso, Carlo Gambalonga (among the historic souls of the award), Federico Monga, Mario Orfeo, Agnese Pini, Fabio Tamburini.

Other special awards were then decided by a jury of institutional communicators. Who will assign the communication award to Paola Ansuini, spokesperson for the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, to Cristina Manetti, spokesperson for the Presidency of the Tuscany Region, while for the entertainment section the Zebaki agency of Pamela Maffioli and Giada Giordano will be awarded and for that of social networks media an award will go to Dario Adamo. Other prizes, finally, to Monica Peruzzi of Sky (sustainable communication) from Terna, Francesco Oggiano (“opening new ways of journalism”) from Unipol with the Department of Social Sciences of the Federico II University, and to Tgr Rai from the Ferrovie dello State for territorial communication.

The gala of the Ischia International Journalism Award will, as always, also be an evening of entertainment, conducted this year by Tiberio Timperi and Daria Luppino, with the music of Palo Belli and Le Armonie.

2 July 2022 | 09:16

© Time.News

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