The Mann ready to become an archaeological superpower. He will open up the invisible spaces

by time news

NoonJuly 2, 2022 – 09:26 am

The basements will be recovered, a new look for the gardens

from Vincenzo Esposito

And archaeological supermuseum, among the first in Europe, capable of competing even with the Londoner British, both in terms of display areas and in terms of the importance of exhibits. The simple project: to recover all the invisible spaces, those that the public does not know, but which are a small architectural treasure that can house the great treasures that the Mann possesses in his precious deposits. There is money to recover the basement, the area of ​​the Cavaiole garden and the state-owned building of Santa Teresa. This is 11.275 million euros of resources from the 2014/2020 Development and Cohesion Fund. The tender for the works has already been awarded. The project born from the interinstitutional network, and the start date of the works was set within the first months of next year. This is confirmed by the director of the Mann, Paolo Giulierini: With this award, the Mann of the future will start by the beginning of 2023. While the process of total reopening of the spaces of the Palazzo degli Studi is completed, the focus is now on its underground dimension: a huge exhibition hall, new bathrooms and services, the possibility of connecting with the Metro and connecting to the municipal gardens of Piazza Cavour and at the Principe Gallery. We are talking about a museum that will have the rank of superpower of archeology. A praise to the Mann team for the spending capacity of European funds, which has few equals in Italy.

The project

The project developed by the temporary group of professionals (RPA srl, Studio Associato Guicciardini and Magni Architetti, engineer Giovanni Cangi, architects Fabrizio Natalini and Pietro Petull), also on the basis of studies conducted by Mann and the Departments of Architecture of the Federico II and Rome Universities Three. The Mann of the future will develop along three basic lines. The first involves the construction, in the area located below the Atrium, of a large space for temporary exhibitions, reachable by a new staircase (replacing the one that now connects the ground floor of the Museum with the Egyptian and Epigraphic sections) and by an elevator. The area will also overlook the Neapolis Station, which will host the section on Mediterranean archeology. Again, we will work on deposits of the Cavaiole, which guard the stone materials; here the facilities will be renovated, with particular reference to safety and microclimatic conditions: the aim will be to make the area accessible to visitors as well, naturally in small groups at a time. The implementation of toilets is also planned in the area below the Mann entrance embankment and north-west of the Museum. Finally, focus on the spaces in direct contact with the city: the so-called Giardino delle Cavaiole, interface between the Museum and Piazza Cavour, will be freed from the current closing gate to assume the function of a public square, restoring the direct building-city relationship. visible in many historical views. The rooms on the ground floor on this front, currently used as warehouses and technical rooms, will be reclaimed and destined for activities to enhance the life of the neighborhood. In via Santa Teresa degli Scalzi the adjacent state-owned building will be subject to extraordinary maintenance works to build a guesthouse, equipped with four lodgings for scholars. All the works, on paper, will be completed in four years. But those that finish first will be immediately open.

2 July 2022 | 09:26

© Time.News

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