The Innovation Authority today chose Quantum Machines to establish the Israeli Quantum Computing Center with a total budget of NIS 100 million for three years

by time news

For the first time in the world, a quantum computing center has been established that includes three different quantum technologies with a common control layer

The Quantum Computing Center, for the first time in the world, will allow access to research and development in all layers of hardware and software in three different quantum processing technologies. The center will serve the quantum computing community in Israeli industry and academia by providing a full-fledged universal quantum computer for running calculations directly with a future option for cloud access. From day one, the center will include Israeli technology infrastructure of Classic and Quantum Machines companies, along with leading technologies from around the world, in order to enable full operation of working infrastructure within 12-18 months with a processing power of over 50 cubic meters. The center will integrate dedicated quantum computing solutions, for topics such as optimization, simulations, machine learning or various components to deal with size limitations and noise levels in quantum computing.

As part of the national quantum project managed by the Telam Forum, the Innovation Authority and Mapat will finance the development of quantum technologies and the establishment of an applied quantum computing center for the State of Israel with a total budget of NIS 200 million. The investment was routed in two parallel and complementary ways, the first step which was completed today is intended to provide a solution to a number of quantum computing R&D groups operating in the country, while accumulating knowledge and human capital in the field. The leading vision is to establish Israeli capability in future key technology in dual economic and security applications.

The center will provide research and development services to the entire Israeli innovation environment for developments such as quantum processors dedicated to a variety of algorithms, development of VQA processor topologies for solution optimization problems, algorithms for control signal engineering to improve noise handling and improve signal processing performance, interconnect technology development. , Development of techniques and algorithms for correcting errors and more.

The establishment of the center will reduce R&D costs, make knowledge accessible and enable researchers to be assisted with the help of a dedicated technical team, as well as form a ground for training professional personnel for the growing innovation environment.

In this way, the Innovation Authority enables the promotion of the business potential inherent in research and development in the field of quantum computing, supports the start-up companies currently operating in Israel and attracts talent from around the world who would like to use the center. At the same time, the establishment of the center will support innovative activities that will contribute to the growth of Quantum Machine, which is already today one of the most promising and growing companies in quantum computing in the world.

Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Orit Farkash HaCohen: “The establishment of the Quantum Computing Center will constitute a significant leap forward in Israel’s civil and technological resilience. Through this strategic support, led by the Innovation Authority and other actions taken by my ministry, the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, including collaborations with the United States in this field, we will ensure Israel’s technological superiority and promote Israeli industry. “

Dr. Ami Applebaum, Chairman of the Innovation Authority: The goal of the program is to establish Israeli capability in future infrastructure technology, and to support the development of Israeli industry and academia through quantum computing. The center will provide a service in response to technological needs that will enable industry and academia in Israel to access the R&D infrastructure, which will constitute a significant leap in relation to the technological innovation that exists in industry today. With the help of this center, a market failure in the strategic field is addressed as part of the Authority’s policy to enable the industry to be at the global forefront of injury technologies. ”

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