Crown Heights: Mrs. Rebecca Vishtsky A.H.

by time news

It was with great sorrow that the news of Mrs.’s death was received Rivka Vishtzky A.H., and she is 83 years old at her death.

The deceased was the only daughter of Rabbi Yisrael Abba Pliskin, one of the emissaries of Rabbi Haritz to Australia and later an influencer in the Hadar HaTorah and Central Tutel yeshivas in 770.

She was known for her great hospitality to the guests who came to our holy courtyards.

She is survived by her children Yavdhalta – Musi Minsky from Crown Heights, Shaul Vishtzky from Kfar Chabad, Sarah Butt from Boro Park, Reuven and Pessi Vishtzky from Crown Heights, Pini, Shlomo and many descendants linked to Rabbi Melech Moshiach.

And let there be a desire that immediately the fulfillment of the destiny “wake up and revive the inhabitants of the dust,” and it is within them.

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