Available in the market and cheap..a famous fruit that boosts immunity, fights cancer and helps get rid of excess weight

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Eating pears helps in losing weight and reduces the risk of cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

And about the health benefits of pears:

1. Heart health: Pear fruit is a good source of potassium, which means that it may have a major impact on heart health. Potassium is known to be a vasodilator, meaning it lowers blood pressure, which reduces stress on the entire cardiovascular system and makes it more heart-healthy. It is difficult for clots to occur, in addition to the fact that pears are rich in dietary fiber, according to Web Medicine.

2. Weight loss: The pear is one of the few fruits that has a few calories, and the average pear has just over 100 calories, yet the nutritional supplement it gives is huge, plus it’s rich in fiber Which stimulates the feeling of satiety for a longer period.

3. Digestive system: Fruits such as pears are rich sources of dietary fiber, which helps in improving the health of the digestive system. Most of the fiber in pears is insoluble polysaccharides (NSP), and these fibers collect nutrients, making it easier for food to pass through the intestines, It also stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, and it regulates bowel movement and reduces the possibility of constipation as well as diarrhea, and the fiber in pears protects the colon and helps absorb water in the colon.

4. Boost Immunity: Pears are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which fights diseases and various conditions inside the body. Vitamin C is useful for stimulating the production of white blood cells. It is also known for its ability to boost the immune system, which helps eliminate some health conditions such as: the common cold. Cold, flu, and other mild illnesses.

5. Reduce inflammation: The antioxidant components and flavonoids present in pears can exert anti-inflammatory effects in the body, reducing pain associated with inflammation. This may include reducing the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatic conditions, gout, and similar conditions.

6. Skin and hair care: Pears are rich in vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant, participates in a number of enzymatic reactions and organ functions, and can reduce the effects of aging on the skin such as wrinkles and age spots, as well as reduce hair loss, macular degeneration, Cataracts, and many other conditions associated with the aging process.

7. Anti-cancer: Pears contain high levels of antioxidants, including vitamin C, K, and copper. These chemicals remove free radicals and protect cells from the damage they can cause. This is why the benefits of pears are important in this case.

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