how to fight drought

by time news

Since mid-June, half of France has been affected by water restrictions, and the month of July promises to be scorching: drought was once a rare event, it is becoming the norm. In this tenth episode of “Human Heat”, I welcome hydroclimatologist Florence Habets to talk about the challenge of drought. What are the future impacts of these repeated water deficits? What solutions are we testing today? How to deal with it in the longer term?

Florence Habets is a hydroclimatologist and research director at the CNRS. She specializes in water resources in France and in particular groundwater.

An episode produced by Adèle Ponticelli with the help of Esther Michon, directed by Amandine Robillard, who also composed the original music. This episode is the last of the first season of “Human Heat”, see you in September for the second season!

“Human warmth” is a weekly podcast of reflection and debate on ways to face the climate challenge. Listen to a new episode for free every Tuesday, on, Apple Podcast, Acast or Spotify. Find all the episodes here.

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Corrigendum: contrary to what is stated in the episode, it is 1.5% of the water consumed that is used for irrigation, and not 9%. This use concerns 8% of cultivated land in France.

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