Eure-et-Loir: Bertin Technologies announces job creations in its Perche factory in Thiron Gardais

by time news

A cutting-edge company is developing in Thiron-Gardais, near Nogent-le-Rotrou (Eure-et-Loir). Bertin Technologies, a specialist in measuring instruments for radioactivity, has invested 1.5 million euros for this factory specializing in the assembly and maintenance of these devices.

“In this segment of nuclear radioactivity measurement, we are the world leader. It is here that the sensors that monitor all the French power plants are manufactured, ”sums up Bruno Vallayer, president of Bertin Technologies, a company with 530 employees, including 450 in France, which generates 100 million euros in turnover.

In its Perche plant, Bertin also manufactures and maintains dosimeters for technicians working in power plants around the world, as well as sensors for the protection of soldiers and defense equipment.

Employment: +50% by 2027

To meet the growth in orders, as for example for Vietnam recently which has just relaunched its nuclear programme, Bertin has built 2,000 square meters of additional workshops. The company has received support from the France Relance plan, financed by the State and Europe, namely 290,000 euros.

The site’s workforce, which is 65 people, should increase by around 50% with more than 20 job creations announced by 2027 in the managerial and technical categories.

Based in the Paris region, Bertin technologies was part of the CNIM group. A few months ago, it regained its independence with the support of the business consolidation and development fund (FCDE), which is financed by French financial institutions.

This company was founded in 1956 by the engineer Jean Bertin, known to the general public for being the inventor of the aerotrain, this high-speed train tested near Orléans (Loiret) on a single concrete rail and which is the unfortunate competitor of the TGV on rails.

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