Vladimir Putin continues his grain blackmail and the European Union keeps the pressure on Moscow

by time news

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

The Russian and Turkish presidents will talk on Tuesday in Tehran about mechanisms to allow grain exports from Ukraine, blocked in this country by the Russian military offensive at the risk of causing a world food crisis.

Negotiations involving Moscow, Kyiv, Ankara and the UN are scheduled for this week after progress in the talks last week. “Firstly, we are ready to continue the work in this direction, secondly, this topic will be discussed by the presidents [Vladimir Poutine et Recep Tayyip Erdogan] “Said, according to Russian agencies, the Kremlin’s diplomatic adviser, Yuri Ouchakov, on the eve of this meeting.

The phrase

“Putin’s real objective is the impoverishment of Europe. He wants to turn public opinion against the governments in place, in the hope of replacing them with radical forces that would be more favorable to Russia. »

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy Dmytro Kouleba on Monday called on his EU counterparts not to give in to Vladimir Putin on the sanctions against Russia, because “backing down and complying with his demands will not work, it’s a trap »

The number

650. Ukrainian authorities are investigating more than 650 cases of suspected treason by local officials, including 60 in areas occupied by Russian and pro-Russian forces, he added in his evening address.

The trend of the day

The European Union intends to continue its pressure on Moscow with new sanctions as well as financial and military support for Ukraine, announced Josep Borrell. “Some European leaders have said that the sanctions were a mistake, a mistake. I don’t think it’s a mistake, that’s what we have to do, and we will continue to do it,” he said in response to a statement by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The latter had denounced the sanctions on Friday, seeing it as “an error”, because “they did not achieve their goal, and even had the opposite effect”. “The European economy has shot itself in the lungs and is asphyxiated,” he said in a speech.

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