Good news for those who do not find time to exercise except on the weekends

by time news

Overwhelmed with work, household chores, and family and social responsibilities can make it difficult to find time to exercise throughout the week. But the good news is that a new study has compared the risk of early death between those who exercise regularly during the week and those who exercise on the weekend. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between them and that the time spent by those whose circumstances only allowed them to exercise on weekends was well worth the effort.

high intensity exercises

According to New Atlas, citing the journal Jama Internal Medicine, physical activity guidelines issued by the US government to Americans urge that adults aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. intensity per week.

Some could meet this mark with a daily run before breakfast, while others could go on a long bike ride on the weekend instead. The researchers of the new study set out to investigate whether different lifestyles had an impact on the important benefit of exercise, specifically reducing the risk of early death.

350 thousand participants

Led by Mauricio dos Santos of the Brazilian Federal University of Sao Paulo, the research team tapped into the data of 350,000 adults in the United States. Study participants self-reported their physical activity, and were categorized into different groups depending on their exercise regimens, based on being either physically inactive, regularly active, doing three or more training sessions per week, or exercising over the weekend Just.

Study participants were followed for an average of 10 years, with researchers reporting nearly 22,200 deaths during that time, including more than 4,000 from cardiovascular disease, and nearly 6,000 from cancer.

The researchers found that, whether a person exercised on the weekend or was regularly physically active, they benefited from lower death rates, either from specific causes or any cause.

Surprising result

The researchers explained that the results indicate that there is no significant difference between those who restricted their exercise to physical training on the weekend or the participants who are regularly active. The researchers noted that there are of course many other benefits of regular exercise that include enhancing mood and cognition, enhancing metabolism and reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety, but the results prove that as far as physical activity is concerned with reducing the risk of early death, it makes it beneficial to exercise At least during the weekend.

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