How the travel warning to Turkey caused thousands of Israelis to change the route of their vacation to Greece

by time news

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What destinations were strengthened following the travel warning to Turkey?

Turkey was supposed to return this summer to be the number one destination for “all-inclusive” tummy-tuck vacation, but after the publication of the travel warning to Turkey, many Israelis soon replaced Turkey and the like – Cyprus and Greece:

Cyprus: It is possible to have a tummy-tuck vacation, and it is possible to do more

In many ways, choosing Cyprus as a destination for your next vacation is the closest choice to Turkey: cheap hotels, similar views, beautiful beaches and a feeling of being abroad – all within a short flight from Israel.

The most popular sites in Cyprus are probably its inviting and clean beaches. Apart from a back-to-back vacation at the beaches you can rent a car and hike in the Troodos Mountains, wander and eat in the villages and visit Kikus Monastery. Arriving with children? Visit Paphos Zoo, Paphos Aphrodite Water Park, Limassol Classic Car Museum and more.

Vacation in Greece: Between an urban experience and calm islands

Another popular destination this coming summer is Greece, where you can choose between a city break and lots of good food, colorful taverns and Greek music and a relaxing holiday on one of the islands of Greece, those crowded with tourists and those a little less so.

Among the most popular destinations in Greece: Athens, the Pelion Peninsula, Crete and especially the west of the island, the Cyclades (known for their white houses, blue shutters, beautiful alleys and free-roaming cats) – and of course Santorini. While you are planning your trip in great detail, Do not forget travel insurance to Greece Here are all the reasons to get travel insurance.

Especially now: before flying, take out travel insurance abroad

The travel warning to Turkey, which has caused many Israelis to change their flight destination at best and many others to bear the costs of canceling a trip to Turkey at worst, illustrates how dynamic the reality is – and how important it is to prepare in advance for the various surprises. Some of the surprises may force us to cancel the flight not only because of a travel warning, but because of other occurrences.

To protect your pocket in these scenarios, it is advisable to purchase travel insurance with extended cancellation or travel shortening. What does this actually mean? The basic tier of overseas travel insurance is designed to cover medical expenses abroad when needed, including doctor visits, medications, hospitalizations and surgeries. This extension applies to a variety of scenarios: for example the dedicated extension of the Phoenix smart travel includes scenarios where hospitalization for at least 24 hours in a hospital in the week before travel, or an illness that occurred up to 7 days before insurance begins and includes a diagnosis from a doctor that requires rest at home. For overseas travel insurance that includes an extension to cancel or shorten a trip, it is important to check the conditions that vary from company to company.

Scenarios in extending a flight cancellation include not only medical circumstances, but additional scenarios: for example, extending a cancellation or shortening of a Phoenix trip allows you to get a refund when the trip was canceled due to a fire, flood or malicious damage to your home in the 14 days prior to travel.

Another extension that may be relevant in case of cancellation of the trip, is Corona extension: this extension provides coverage for a variety of Corona scenarios, which are not directly related to medical treatment. One of these scenarios is the cancellation of the trip due to Corona infection. For example, the extension of the Corona Shield of Phoenix smart travel travel insurance includes reimbursement of expenses in the event of cancellation of the trip due to infection in Corona in the week prior to the flight. This is for the loss of flight ticket expenses in economy class and loss of accommodation expenses, up to the ceiling specified in the policy.

Hopefully soon it will be safe to fly to Turkey again. By the time that happens, Greece and Cyprus are already waiting with open arms.

This information is general about the plan only and all of the above is subject to the full policy terms and conditions. For a review of the full policy terms and full information about the insurance coverage, exceptions and reservations, you can visit the company’s website at WWW.FNX.CO.IL.

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